Johnny Vicar

Jaime de Guzman, a military neurosurgeon, survives a massacre that killed his wife and daughter. He hunts down all perpetrators and is able to kill them except the boss. From returning to a normal life and to the death of a girl after performing a brain operation to her, he hides his guilt to his new life.


Lt. Ariel Vergara one of the police officials who handles the Anti-Narcotics Command goes undercover and pretends as an inmate named Turo to befriend a significant illegal Chinese Triad member, Kai. He soon earns the trust of Kai, who hires him as his personal bodyguard. Turo takes advantage to observe the syndicate’s secret ritual, people, operations, and connections. Turo then reports his observations and gathered evidences to Col. Fajardo and Lt. Tam, to seize the Triad’s Philippine sector.


In an idyllic surroundings amidst the rice terraces, young and care-free Ida has a wonderful life. But one night, a group of armed men charges into her home and kills her parents. Worse, these men conspire and accuse Ida of the murder of her folks. Years pass and Ida is on her way to national penitentiary. But a freak accident happens, and Ida manages to escape. Assuming a new identity, Ida who now goes by the name of Molata, returns to her village where people no longer recognize her. And using her body as a lure, she sets out to exact revenge.

Mike Santana is technically as person for he uses his position as a policeman to savagely murder people; he also manhandles his wife Gina. His partner in service is Frankie, a young loyal police who sticks with him through thick and thin. But in end he betrays him for good. Because of that he pours out all of his frustrations to his wife, and as he continues to be rude, his wife Gina finally leaves him for her family. His teenage gets gang-raped by men. As he gets to live all alone, with all the people blaming him for their shortcomings; he starts to realize his mistakes which will transform from being soulless to a sensible human being. He would also meet Michelle who teaches him not to regret the act of forgiveness. Suddenly, his crooked ways backfire on him when he gets accused of killing a pro-laborer advocate. As he tries to come clean and liquidate the real criminals, another threat would come to take his life.


Toryo Liwanag (Victor Neri) is a born trouble maker. He sees no difference being in jail and out of it saying that once he gets out he is basically only in a different much larger enclosure. A cage of crime and poverty. One day he meets Liway (Rachel Alejandro), a PUP colegiala looking to interview and put into study the behavior of troublemakers, the likes of Toryo. He is released from prison. But trouble seems to have a crush on Toryo.


A 1997 Filipino action film starring Ronnie Ricketts.

A 1997 Filipino action film starring Ian Veneracion.

A story of an innocent young lass desperate to leave her homeland to escape her adoptive father's lustful desires.

A biopic movie based on the titular figure.


A Story based on a true crime in the Philippines.

The quest for truth about the plight of a Filipina entertainer who went to Japan for greener pastures and was brought back to Manila dead.


The serial tells the tragic love story of Vina, a single woman who wants to have a baby despite her advanced age. With the help of her best friend, she met Dave, the man she will eventually fall in love and have a child with. Unknown to Vina, Dave was her best friend's lover, and in the end, Vina would discover that her best friend and the man she loved plotted together to ruin her and her son's lives.

A 1992 Filipino action film starring Phillip Salvador

A 1992 Filipino action film starring Phillip Salvador.

A true-to-life story of P/Col Juanito Lagasca.

A 1991 Filipino action film starring Phillip Salvador.

David seeks revenge on the people that wronged him.

Abandoned by his American lover, a handsome teenager from the mountains journeys to Manila in an effort to support his family. With a popular call boy as his mentor, Paul enters the glittering world of male strippers, prostitution, drugs, sexual slavery, police corruption and murder. Teeming with sex and Asian beefcake, Macho Dancer is a searing indictment of the hypocrisy and police corruption rampant under both the Marcos and Aquino regimes.


This is a true-to-life story of Arsenio Cayanan,an Amerasian whose difficulties as a youth led him to a life of crime.


Living a simple lifestyle in the barrio of Maisan farming a small-sized field, Sebyo has no other inspiration aside from Coring. Her homecoming to serve as their new Municipal Health Officer (as a full-pledge doctor) started the thrill, excitement and a slight complication to Sebyo's life not to mention the hidden treasure said to be buried at the backyard of Coring and Tiya Belen's house.


A young man, jilted by his girlfriend, join forces with an older man in avenging the death of his brother and fighting the ruling powers in their community.

Nobody can stop them from falling in love.

After the death of her father, Nelia (Jaclyn Jose) goes to find her mother and discovers that she owns a whorehouse.

Teenager Anna falls in love with and gives her womanhood to the middle-aged womanizer Eric who promises her marriage. Upon her brother's insistence to meet the man, she realizes then that Eric is married and eventually commits suicide. Outraged, Martin (brother), who is a sex-change surgeon, abducted and performed an operation on Eric. Shameful of his inadequacy, Eric evades his wife's sexual needs and sexual attractions to other women.


A street hustler falls in love with a bar girl. They get married, but separate when the guy gets meted a death sentence after gunning down a rich customer of the bar in a fit of jealousy. The bar girl bears the hustler's child who becomes eventually blind.

Five young women trek to the city in the quest of better lives but end up instead with broken hearts.

A 1983 Filipino action film about the Bangsamoro struggle and Mindanao.

Issues of infidelity roam around the bourgeoisie of Manila. Is this love?


No description.


Kamakalawa (The Day Before Yesterday) explores the folklore of the prehistoric Philippines in an adventure of mortals in the world filled with gods and mythological creatures.


Bobby is secretly in love with his neighbour and friend Cory who is living-in with her partner Charlie. However, Cory decides to leave Charlie upon discovering his deepest secret that he is a married man. This gives Bobby the chance to show his true feelings for Cory and marries her even adopting the child Charlie has left in her womb. Bobby lives the life of a perfect husband with Cory and accepts a job assignment in Albay shuttling to and from Manila to support his new family. In the province, he meets Pilar, lovely town girl. His friendship with Pilar blossoms and they find themselves falling for each other, with Bobby concealing his real marital status. Soon the two learn that she is pregnant and the family forces them into marriage. Consequently, the women discover that Bobby is living a lie and is married to two women. He is forced to make a crucial decision, which of his marriages must be honour? Or will he faced the prospect of getting charged with bigamy?


A 1977 Filipino drama by Danny L. Zialcita.

A 1976 Filipino drama film by Danny L. Zialcita

Set at the turn of the 20th century during the Filipino revolution against the Spaniards and, later, the American colonizers, it follows a naive peasant through his leap of faith to become a member of an imagined community.
