Johnny Weissmuller Jr.

The One, The Only, The Real Tarzan is a compelling look at the turbulent life of Johnny Weissmuller, the Olympic champion who became the most famous Tarzan of the movies.


Tarzan: Silver Screen King of the Jungle is a documentary focusing on the first six sound Tarzan films produced by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer starring Johnny Weissmuller and Maureen O'Sullivan. Written and directed by John Rust, the documentary features interviews with film historians Rudy Behlmer and Scott Tracy Griffin, who discuss the films' literary antecedents and behind-the-scenes production details.


A look at Tarzan on the big and small screen with interviews with some of those who have played him.


A look at the history and cultural impact of Tarzan.


Since they met the first time in boarding school as little kids, it was obvious that the orphans Kay and Dave would become a couple. But at sixteen, Dave foolishly attempted to rob a bank with a water pistol, and ended up in jail for eight years. Meanwhile Kay was sent to foster parents, where she met the successful business man Mike, whom she married and bore two kids. Now Frank is released from prison and immediately starts wooing Kay again. Although she's happy with Mike, she can't withdraw herself completely. Old memories and her husband's jealousy make her spend more and more time with him.


The army of the Marauders, led by by King Terak and the witch Charal attack the Ewoks village. The parents and the brother of Cindel all die in this attack. Cindel and the Ewok Wicket escape and in a forrest they meet Teek a naughty and very fast animal. Teek takes them to a house in which a old man, Noa, lives. Like Cindel he also crashed with his Starcruiser on Endor. Together they fight Terak and Charal.


Three families that are best friends head to their secret retreat when WW3 seems to be nearing. The adults arrive at the retreat and must endure the stress to come while the children are separated from the adults and have their own troubles along the way. This is a great story in the fact that many of these types of movies deal in violence while this one deals in the psychological aspect of the situation.


Shame, the ape man of the jungle, is aghast when his woman, June, is kidnapped by a gang of giant penises. They take her to their queen, Bazunga, a bald woman with fourteen breasts. After tangling with a gang of great white hunters, a marauding lion and the Molar Men, Shame sets off to rescue her with only his faithful friend Flicka at his side. He heads for that darkest of areas


A couple of high school graduates spend one final night cruising the strip with their buddies before they go off to college.


The film features a conversation between Lucas and Francis Ford Coppola, producer of THX 1138. They discuss Lucas' vision for the film, including his ideas about science fiction in general and in particular his concept of the "used future" which would famously feature in his film Star Wars. Intercut with this discussion is footage shot prior to the start of production of THX 1138 showing several of its actors having their heads shaved, a requirement for appearing in the film. In several cases the actors are shown being shaved in a public location. For example, Maggie McOmie is shaved outside the Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, while Robert Duvall watches a sporting event as his hair is cut off. Another actor, Marshall Efron, who would later play an insane man in the film, cut off his own hair and was filmed doing so in a bathtub.
