Jonathan Lacey

A baby is born from a supposed-to-be virgin woman, so a chain of hysteria about divine intervention in the birth takes place.


Exploring the often hilarious world of a young Jewish lad conscript and how he survives the Russians, the Royal Navy and the relationship with his girl back home – all the while aided and abetted by the most famous sex symbol the world has ever known.


Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson meet as boys in an English Boarding school. Holmes is known for his deductive ability even as a youth, amazing his classmates with his abilities. When they discover a plot to murder a series of British business men by an Egyptian cult, they move to stop it.


1913, shortly before the outbreak of WWI. A group of aristocrats gathers at the estate of Sir Randolph Nettleby for a weekend shoot. As the terminal decrepitude of a dying class is reflected in the social interactions and hypocrisy of its members, only world weary Sir Randolph seems to realise that the sun is setting.
