Jonathan Lawrence

A sci-fi tale of how a man and a woman team up to challenge and destroy their oppressive government's mind altering technology designed to control people.

Sensationalistic group portrait of New York City ‘’club kids,’’ makes you long for those good old days when Andy Warhol’s self-appointed superstars brought a certain humor and bohemian sense of style to his semi-improvised films.


Three horror stories linked by a sinister delivery boy. The stories are "Heroine Overdose", "Pandora" and "Veteran's Day".


For thousand of years, legends of beautiful mermaids have enchanted people from all over the globe. Their fascinating and mysterious world has always captured the imagination of humans. In film history, there hasn't been a single movie that has uncovered and explored this mystical world. What secrets lurk beneath the depths? And why do beautiful mermaids seduce human men? "Mermaid Island" is the first underwater fantasy film to unveil and answer these questions.