Jonathan Lee

Three former high school best friends gather for a steamboat dinner just to catch up. As the dinner went on into the night with beers and wine thrown in things get complicated as one of them has a hidden secret that no one wants to know in their present situation.

An exhausted doctor with years of experiences in abortion surgery are caught in a quirky conversation with his patient, a struggling feminist novelist. From the conversation both manages to discovered something about each other and themselves.

Auto Kid, who is a seasoned mechanic just like his father and grandfather, grew up in the garage. He often witness lost spirit taking shelter under an automobile, which in turn, causes the vehicle to have an unexplainable breakdown. As he gradually develops the ability to fix cars by returning the spirits to their world, he becomes known for his mysterious skill.

When a rare earth plant is being built near a coastal town, its inhabitants fall into despair, fearful of its radioactive effects.
