Jonathan Mason

Shakespeare's great comedy of dreaming and desire has it all - spellbound lovers, quarrelling fairies, tradesmen who love amateur theatricals. This is both a deep dive into the realms of the subconscious and a hilarious tribute to the power of the imagination. The most fundamental techniques of theatrical art feature in a magically inventive staging of a play that is itself a celebration of joy, both human and supernatural.

A drama centered on a former actress who subjects her 15-year-old daughter to a series of depressed small towns, money woes, failed love affairs, and bouts of depression.


The story of an 11-year-old girl from a poor rural community who dreams of becoming a racing driver.


The Revenge Files of Alistair Fury is the name of a series of children's books, written by Jamie Rix, and that of the TV series based on them. The book series was originally entitled The War Diaries of Alistair Fury, but new releases of the books have been renamed to The Revenge Files in order to match the TV series' title.


A family in financial crisis is forced to sell Lassie, their beloved dog. Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home.
