Jonna Järnefelt

After Janne suddenly disappears while taking out the trash, the police tell Heta there’s nothing they can do - a person has every right to go missing if there is no sign of a crime. Troubled, she begins searching for and finds only one clue: it seems Janne had undergone Koistinen’s radical divorce therapy for men.


When Sofia Karppi, a detective in her 30's who is trying to get over her husband's death, discovers the body of a young woman on a construction site, she triggers a chain of events that threatens to destroy her life again.


The Singer is a film about the all-time favourite singer in Finland, Olavi Virta. A man who rose from poverty all the way to the top and became an artist who was dearly loved by the Finnish people. A man who loved beautiful women and was loved by beautiful women. A man who enjoyed speed, American cars, applause and alcohol and who finally lost everything but his unique voice.


Based on true events an epic story of one man's struggle for survival. Jussi Ketola, returns to Finland from the great depression struck America only to face growing political unrest. One summer night of 1930, nationalist thugs violently abduct Ketola from his home. Beaten and forced to walk the Eternal Road towards a foreign Soviet Russia, where cruelty seems to know no end, his only dream is to return to his family cost it what it may. Hope dies last.


The beautiful island of Sunnanö in the Swedish archipelago is home to a popular B&B run by Anna-Lisa and her son Oskar. Anna-Lisa has summoned her daughter Jonna, an actress, and son Lasse, an opportunist, to the island. It is the first time in years that they are together again. When Anna-Lisa is found dead one morning, the siblings learn that she had terminal cancer: Her will stipulates that all three siblings must run the family B&B together for a year, or they won't inherit it at all. It is a mother’s last effort to reunite her children. But it will also confront them with the family’s unsolved past, present forces of attraction, and a very dark secret buried in a most unfortunate place...


Johan Falk's stepdaughter Nina has gotten in contact with her biological father, Orjan, discovering that he is in debt to an Estonian construction company in Gothenburg, leading to Nina's kidnapping.


A Finnish drama about the short term of Finland's first female prime minister, Anneli Jäätteenmäki.


Based on the novel by Väinö Linna, the story takes place during the time of the Finnish Civil War.


Wanting to know the ways of people, a pelican turns into a gawky young man who soon learns to speak, thanks to his outstanding talent in imitation. He befriends Emil and Elsa, two children who--unlike adults--see that their new neighbor "Mr Berd" is not human but a big bird wearing a suit. The Pelican Man lands a job at the opera and falls in love with a pretty ballerina, looking so much like a bird herself. Troubles start when adults too find out about "Mr Berd's" ornithological origin.


The story bases on four Finnish brothers, nicknamed 'the Eura Daltons' who received nation-wide notoriety for tearing gas pumps apart when they needed cash. The cast is an impressive one: the brothers are portrayed by Peter Franzen, Lauri Nurkse, Niko Saarela and Jasper Pääkkönen while their really evil father is played by Vesa-Matti Loiri, one of the grand old men of Finnish cinema.


A war movie that takes place in Finnish Karelia in 1944.


A heavily indebted construction entrepreneur (Tom Pöysti) robs a bank in Jakomäki, Helsinki. He takes two officers (Jonna Järnefelt and Stina Rautelin) and one customer (Dominic Landon) hostage from the bank. In addition to himself, the desperate robber threatens to blow up the hostages if the police who left to follow them try to prevent the escape.

Christer lives in a small town, he is a recently divorced taxi driver and church-yard attendant. He leads a dull small-town existence. But then a young couple arrives, Marie and Erik, and Christer starts a new life. He finds the mysterious Marie totally bewitching. She is a paralysed beauty, a double nature who is only able to talk and move her head. With an insurance fraud in the background the story turns into an erotic triangle drama.


Young Maja is married off to their neighbour's son, Janne, and the couple settle on a barren island in the Åland archipelago in the early 19th century.