Jorge Rado

William Shatner explores the theory that the U.S. government is involved in a cover-up of visiting alien spacecraft. Based on a book by Erich von Däniken, this documentary contains evidence of extraterrestrial life here on earth. Proof discovered through photographs taken by scientists and evidence of actual voyages found by archaeologists.


Santo, the Silver Masked, must face terrible neo-nazis villians.


A Nazi scientist using the lost city of Atlantis as his home base threatens to destroy civilization with a nuclear bomb. The Nazi scientist wants the third Reich to rule again and if his demands are not meet he will follow through on his threat of nuclear annihilation. With very little time to spare Santo is enlisted to find the nuclear bomb, disarm it and end the Nazi scientist’s diabolical plan


Bruno Halder a sinister scientist seeking revenge against his brother and niece is resurrected by Waldo his faithful sidekick. Besides his minions of zombies Halder enlists the help of Wolfman, Franquestain, a Vampire, a Mummy and a Cyclops. Once again the survival of mankind is put in the hands of Santo


Blue Demon returns in one of his best adventures like Agent Zero, who this time is facing a criminal organization that attempts to poison the world with a deadly gas (whose formula is unknown). This time, Zero (Blue Demon) is the only one qualified to investigate and prevent Hans plans, the evil leader of the organization.


Julien Saint Dominique, an agent of the French counter-espionage service in Berlin, investigates the kidnapping of a functionary taken by German communists into East Germany.
