Jorge Victoria

Powerful psychological thriller based on the true story of a serial murderer, who for his crimes, was sentenced to the electric chair and survived. The murderer justified his crimes stating he was chosen by God to fulfill the desire for liberation and death of his victims.


Terror, transsexuals and an eternal cult film. What is on the mind of horror film director Juan Lopez Moctezuma and his fans, Manolo and Lalo, who are not only obsessed with the Mexican horror film Alucarda, but also believe in their hearts that they are its true characters? After finding the director in a psychiatric hospital, they kidnap him to make him remember his gloriously twisted past…. An unclassifiable film that uses interviews, stock shots and recreations of a past that may only have existed in the nightmares of its protagonists.

There is a serial killer and the detectives try to capture him. Someone brings him women willing to migrate to the United States, he sexually abuses them and kills them.


A Mexican police task force must fight against an international drug smuggling ring.

Mario Almada returns as "el fiscal de hierro", in this entry his family is kidnapped by gang leader Ramona Pineda.


People lost in a forest are murdered one-by-one.


A gritty tale of survival set against a city ripe with violence and corruption. The Naked City tells the tale of Alfonso and Aurelia, who with their infant daughter flee the scene of a traffic accident they inadvertently caused, leaving several people seriously injured. On the run, they check into a hotel in a different part of the town. By coincidence, or fate, the hotel is about to be attacked by a violent gang, who resume to hold everyone hostage, moving room to room raping, killing and brutalizing the guests. When it is turn to visit with the young couple it is their time to decide to succumb to the violence, or fight back.


After his son is murdered by drug dealers, a man decides to take revenge.


Irene is a young housewife and mother who tries to raise her young family, love her husband and keep her home all the while studying her masters' degree. Mario, her husband, is a good man, but he's tied by convention. When she has a strange mishap one day, her domestic life is catapulted in a whirl of horror and violence that will tear the fabric of her very existence apart.


A cop confronts a gang of drug traffickers.


In this highly regarded Mexican war film, peasant Demetrio Macias leads a band of outlaws in a revolt against the Federales during the Mexican Revolution.


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, adapted once again.
