Jörgen Scholtens

Two adult brothers set out to find a stand-in for their deceased father in order to keep living off his retirement income.

Absurd comedy about a lonely man who lives in a cuckoo clock.


Hip hip hurray, it is Miss Roos' birthday! Of course she organizes a nice birthday party and everyone is invited. Miss Roos her funny neighbor, Gijs, adorns the colorful mill in which Miss Roos lives. But Gijs uses way too many balloons. Much to their horror, the mill takes off due to the many balloons. Miss Roos and Gijs are still in it! They have an exciting adventure around the world in their flying mill. Will they be back in time to treat in Miss Roos her class?


The Boersma family's Christmas party takes an unexpected turn when mother introduces her new boyfriend.

Winning film of the 48hour film project Nijmegen 2018.

This film was created for the 48 Hour Film Project Utrecht 2016 as part of an experiment making two short films simultaneously with one team in 48 hours.

This film was created for the 48 Hour Film Project Utrecht 2016 as part of an experiment making two short films simultaneously with one team in 48 hours.

A horror film that depicts St. Nicholas as a murderous bishop who kidnaps and murders children when there is a full moon on December 5.
