José María Gutiérrez

Benjamin Ortalora is a young man who leaves Buenos Aires after murdering a rival. He goes to Montevideo where his cool boldness draws the attention of gang leader Azevedo Bandeira. When the old bandit becomes ill, Ortalora makes a determined play to take his place.


Set in Buenos Aires in the 1940s, it showed the formation, rise and fall of a criminal gang.


A man leaves his job working in the mining industry, falls in love with a girl and succeeds as a singer.


In 1956 a military civic coup against self-appointed Liberating Revolution fails, and in Jose Leon Suarez, Argentina, are killed several suspected to be part of the civil uprising. However survive seven people manage to tell the story.


The political career of Juan Manuel de Rosas, twice Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires (1829-1832 and 1835-1852), who also ruled the Argentine Confederation during his second term in office.


Story that takes place during the so-called War of Paraguay or War of the Triple Alliance.


A beautiful woman (Libertad Leblanc) is married to a film director (Francisco de Paula). Despite the apparent happiness of the marriage, she has an affair with a young womanizer (Ricardo Bauleo), and flirts with a screenwriter (José María Gutiérrez). During the filming of a film directed by her husband, two actresses are mysteriously murdered.

When a group of terrorists hijack a train, the various passengers relive their memories.


This relentlessly realistic Argentine production was released in the U.S. as The Marked Man. The title character is a poverty-stricken janitor who suddenly wins an enormous sum in the National lottery. Spending money before he actually collects it, the janitor is appalled to discover that his wife has inadvertently sold the winning ticket to a door-to-door peddler. The ticket was hidden in the band of an old straw hat, which passes through several hands as the janitor frantically searches for the precious headgear. What might have been handled as a farce by another director is transformed into a stark, utterly credible urban tragedy by director Francis Laurie.

A young man regains his eyesight after a life of blindness and rejects his best friend Marianela for her ugliness.


Set in 1825, the romance between a Creole woman and a Spaniard, during the Argentine War of Independence.
