Jose Miranda Cruz

An adult and three young people from the city have teamed up to pursue their own brand of social justice.

A 1962 Filipino action drama starring Vic Vargas and Lolita Rodriguez.

Unraveling the fantastical orgins of lizards, bats, monkeys, and water lilies.


Stories tell of a beautiful woman who mysteriously walks out of a cemetery at night, boards a carretela for parts unknown. An old witch who tormented by the unjust death of her son wreaks havoc on those responsible for the tragedy. A dead man, rising from the grave, mingles with the living, turns an innocent young girl into a deadly vampire. A young housewife who becomes the object of the ire of a vengeful witch, undergoing an ugly transformation to the horror of her husband and her child.


A story about Abarinding the daughter of a man who received a briefcase full of money from a thief.