José Pedro Gomes

Three brothers are confronted with an imposing father who avail them the heritage, identity and emotional intelligence: seven weeks is the deadline for each of them find the respect and love of a woman.


Zé, a 50-year-old alcoholic, works in the port of Lisbon where he loads and unloads containers. Zé never left his neighborhood and is hiding his savings so that one day he'll be able to board one of the huge cruise ships he sees everyday. When his jealous wife steals his money, Zé will do everything to fulfil his dream.


Zézé Gamboa's sardonic historical drama follows a good-hearted, apolitical con man who, on the eve of Angolan independence in the mid-1970s, pulls off a massive swindle at the expense of the Portuguese colonial administration — and soon after finds himself hailed as a hero of the national liberation struggle.


"Filme da Treta" is inspired in a previous work called "Conversa da Treta", which can be translated as "Blather" or "Foolish Talk". In fact it all begun with a radio show (with that name) where two friends, "Toni" and "Zezé", talk about their lives and their neighbourhood (located somewhere in a typical district of Lisbon!). Because of the colloquial and comic language it used to be funny. Then it passed to the stage (kind of a dialog play) and later to a TV-show. As you can see it was a success here in Portugal and the audiences applauded it… Now, the film! "Filme da Treta" is, then, just an adaptation to the movies of this succeeded show, but it was, at least in my point of view, a regression! To be honest it was a disappointment, as I expected a lot more from it. I used to appreciate "Conversa da Treta", but now with the movie it lost all the fun!


When a football agent acquires the rights of two young Mozambican players, he tries to transfer them to Benfica, his favorite club.


The life of the Angolan community at Lisbon in the 90s


Herman encyclopedia is a sketch comedic show with every episode centered on a theme, The host (Herman) and other actors play many characters spoofing Portuguese TV shows, famous Portuguese people and other Portuguese related stuff.


Ronaldo is Brazilian, from good families and has a problem. His left hand is nailed to his father's table. The reason: Ronaldo has been abusing cocaine which has led him to accumulate debt. Their executioners did not forgive the fact that they had to travel once more, and again in vain, to Ronaldo's parents' cottage where he has been hiding. After confronting some characters (all of them seem sinister in Ronaldo's distorted gaze), the Brazilian manages to solve his problems, as if from a dream.


A crime movie directed by Claude Guillemot.


The troubled title character of Xavier (Pedro Hestnes, star of Pedro Costa’s O Sangue) returns to Lisbon after a military stint, determined to lead a meaningful life, only to find his world closing in on him. This almost lost classic of recent Portuguese cinema was shot in 1991 but only completed in 2002, and has barely been seen outside Portugal since. Deadpan and dreamy, it’s a work of bone-deep melancholy, a young man’s film that bears the scars of age.


New years special aired on RTP on 1991

An old man walks through the town.


Neves and his wife Celia are the owners and managers of the 'Little Star Pension', a familiar hotel that caters to bourgeois family and would-be actors, instead of the ill-reputed 'Good-Night Pension' (just across the narrow street), where gigolos, whores, and criminals of all sorts may go for a quick encounter. However, not all is well among the ten residents of 'Little Star Pension': each dialogue line from every hotel guest is evidence that he, or her, has a reason (actually, more than one) to hate Neves - to the point of wishing him dead. Carelessness (or devious intention) by one party will provide the means; another, will create the propitious moment; yet another, and then the rest of them will create the festive New Year's Eve occasion - to do with Neves forever! Obviously, only the famous world private-eye Hércules Pirôt can solve the crime... for which he is called by phone, even before the deed is done.


Summer of 1964. The professor Carlos and the couple Dário and Alda spend time together in the beach during vacations. Away from the colonial war, everything seems lost in time.


Portuguese Movie
