Josefina Calatayud

In a quiet store the sound of the door announces the arrival of a customer.


A German bank buys a small Spanish entity and announces to its employees that it will pre-retire them on January 1st. The cashier Galindo proposes his fellow coworkers a plan to steal a large sum of euros which will arrive on New Year's Eve.


Baltasar is a tycoon from Madrid who is forced to invest money in a movie to promote Esmeralda, an actress who sells her body to become a movie star as soon as possible


Aurelio and Maruja are a couple who has a fancy restaurant. Both have to take care of his godson Miguel as his father, the cook of the restaurant, flees from justice after having killed his wife because she was unfaithful. Miguel, a handsome young man, tricks Maruja and leaves her pregnant.


The action takes place in the XIV century, in times of the reconquest, in Levantine lands. Father Vicente is a chaste monk who fights against all kinds of vices and sins, against superstition and against the beliefs of Muslims and Jews. Carles Mira's first feature film was inspired by the great amount of popular imagery that has provoked the supposed miracles of San Vicente Ferrer. The repertoire includes anecdotes of grotesque and eschatological character with an eminently esperpéntica will.


The poor Camilo was about a priest, when he suffered a dizzy spell and was diagnosed with a serious illness.
