Joseph Kuo

This film collects 12 interesting anecdotes about the house. Realistic sex files between men and women. One of them involves sexual violence between a husband and wife.

In a Hong Kong villa, Lyon throws a party celebrating her win at a beauty contest. Come midnight, when her schoolmates Sze-Wan and Nam leave the party to go home, their car suddently breaks down, and six men stop by and kidnap them


Tiger is the owner of a brothel who moonlights as a kung fu artist under the watchful eye of "Master." They run into serious trouble when ninjas inexplicably show up and jeopardize Tiger's prostitution ring.


In this action-packed conclusion to the story, Tiger has carried on despite the loss of "Master", his trainer and mentor, and has continued his preparations with associates of "Master". Tiger has also found an ally in the sister of one of The Grand Master's associates.


In this feature, we see the continuing adventures of Tiger and "Master" as they battle the evil forces of The Grand Master. "Master" has been training Tiger long and hard for the fight against the invaders from Japan and has finally revealed the secrets behind his origin and the ties to the Grand Master. Armed with this knowledge and his new-found skills, Tiger must set out to defeat the forces of The Grand Master once and for all.


A teacher Chen Yixing, with a group of elementary school students outdoors, was attacked by hornets. In order to save the emergency, Teacher Chen took off his coat, covered the hive, and screamed for everyone to run, and finally martyred.

A Ming princess and her faithful bodyguard are chased to Shaolin Temple by the Ching army.


Wu Shao Tung is raised to be the leader of the Wu Tang clan, who previously have been defeated by the evil Yen Chan tin and his clan. He is taught roughly and is shown how to defeat the Unbeaten 18, a cave of treacherous traps.


Hwang Jang-lee plays the main baddie, and along with his nasty henchmen (played by a red-nosed Chan Lau, and Bolo Yeung in the daftest wig imaginable!), they cause all sorts of problems for the good guys, hero Wah-jee (Cheung Lik), pretty soy-milk seller Tsui-jee (Jeannie Chang) and Tsui-jee's father (Fan Mei-sheng).


A "Dragon Claw" master returns from Manchuria where he became a traitor to China. He's after the coveted Dragon Claw Golden Tablet that will force people to bow down to him. He challenges the Grand-master who has a checkered past of his own. The Grand-master happens to suffers from a terminal chronic injury related to his evil past. The traitor kills the grand-master, causing his wife and son the go into hiding. The wife seems to really be the Dragon Claw master in the family and she vows to train her son the kung fu secrets. The son finds that one of his friends has learned a strange style of kung fu from a filthy medicine man. The son seeks him out to improve his kung fu and defeat the traitor.


Master Yu is invited to Los Angeles to take on numerous fighters in a Kung Fu contest. He beats all comers and this angers a local mob boss who lost a great deal of money on illegal betting…


Lee Yi Min stars as an eager young kung fu student who seeks to improve his fighting skills with an aim to avenge his fathers murder at the hands of the Ghost Face Killer an overwhelming force of destruction and master of the death dealing Five Element Fist. Lee eagerness to study attracts the attention of the master of Chess Boxing Jack Long who is the Ghost Face Killers arch enemy. Together master and student devise a wicked cross fertilization of the Chess Boxing and Five Element Fist styles and set out to put an end to the Ghost Faces deadly reign.


Chan Hui Lau stars in this vintage martial arts film as Chang, the owner of a winery and master of Drunken Boxing, a deadly kung fu technique that, as the name implies, requires its practitioner to be drunk. His relatively peaceful life is interrupted when he catches two boys (Li Yi Min and Jack Long) stealing grapes from his vineyards and puts them to work for him. Over time, he teaches them the art of Drunken Boxing. When the two boys get into a fight with some local toughs, they provoke the wrath of Yeh Hu (Lung Fei), Chang's enemy.


Immortal Warriors is a Taiwanese Martial Arts movie.


A grandfather and his young grandaughter travel to atown with a very unusual proposition: if any man can beat her in a fight, she will be his bride.


A very arrogant white haired Thai Chi martial artist and two of his cronies wreaks havoc in a small village, terrorizing people and their families. Three local heroes team up to defeat the villainous three, but they have to find a secret weak point, which the Thai Chi master can choose and change at will.


Yuen Chu & Yuen Qiu, star as two sisters whose family is slayed by the merciless 'Ghost Leg Killer' (Hwang Jang Lee). They change their names and go into hiding to perfect their kung fu techniques. Meanwhile, a happy go lucky wanderer by the name of Ah Sam (Lau Ga-Yung) is in search of a Martial Arts master to teach him the art of Kung Fu.


Complicated mix of Chinese history and myth, where old Shaolin friends find themselves on different sides, one a Ching general, and the other faithful to Ming.


An aged Kung Fu practitioner travels across China, challenging the best Grandmaster from each province to prove his mastery of martial arts. Meanwhile is a plot developing behind his back.


Shiao Chieh is left to a monastery when his family is killed, and grows up to be an incredible martial artist. He passes a gruelling and weird series of tests, most of which consist of being whacked by bronzemen, and goes out into the material world. He returns to live with his blind mother and his cousin, Ming Chu, who keeps being visited by an older dark stranger. Shiao Chien soon discovers Ming Chu is not really his cousin, but the niece of a man whose earnest wish is to see him die.


Lui is a powerful ex-minister who opposes the ambitious premier Hu Wei Yen. Lui is assassinated, so his daughter Lui Sin and an assorted band of people loyal to the emperor seeks revenge and justice. The premier made a mistake - he allowed a scroll of battle orders to fall into loyalist hands. Lui and Co learn this, and vow to take this proof of treason to the emperor. But, though the loyalists have Shaolin on their side, the premier has two renegade shaolin, who say "Earth and Sky", which makes them invincible, as well as golden pills, which restore their health if badly wounded. And, naturally, there are loads of old men who stroke their long white beards whilst nodding their heads.


Bandit-bandit international also known as V.I.P. and The Mad, the Mean, and the Deadly is an action movie starring Chan Wai Man.

Young men, angered by the repressive and corrupt Ching government, come to the Shaolin Temple to study. Fearing that the Shaolin Temple is a harbor for rebels wanting to overthrow the government, the Ching Emperor Yungzheng kills the monks wherever he can find them. After the Emperor orders the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, his name becomes the most feared and hated in China. After years of struggling, the surviving Shaolin disciples, led by Carter Wong, move to assassinate the Emperor. This epic tale of Manchu China has all the scope and action you'd expect from Hong Kong master Joseph Kuo.


Despite the national resistance, the Manchurians have taken over China, but the Ching Emperor fears that the Shaolin Temple disciples would overthrow the dynasty. So he disguises himself as a disciple, in order to become a kung fu master and control the Shaolin monks. But according to custom, he must pass the test of the legendary 18 Bronzemen before he can leave the Temple.


During the Manchurian invasion of China, the son of the Ming Dynasty General takes refuge in the Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts, so that he may seek revenge for his dead father. But he must first endure the rigorous test of the temple's legendary 18 Bronzemen.


All is well until the dastardly Tongyang brings his rickshaws into town and starts using his hired muscle to dominate the clientele.


The tragic romance of a young girl who attempts suicide for the "secret" love she has for her father.

Chiang is a humble, law-abiding man who drives his rickshaw, making a meager yet honest living. Then trouble comes forward in the form of money, women and crime. He reacts in the only way he knows how. Chiang is a kung fu expert who explodes when pushed too far! Nothing fancy about his technique. He bashes and smashes all who stand in front of him. See Chiang rip an army of gangsters to pieces in the roughest kung fu action ever!


During the Japanese occupation, Little Tiger, an honest cook in Shanghai, takes exception of two Chinese that pass from insult to sexual harassment against a beautiful and modest girl servant. During the fight, the pair of molesters receive help from a number of colleagues from the same martial arts school - who are in support of the Japanese - while Little Tiger is helped by young men from his own school. A major fight develops, and the cook accidentally kills one of the thugs. The Police comes to arrest Little Tiger and to close down his school, but they resist and the cook escapes. Little Tiger is now a fugitive, living in disguise. When a duel between the two rival schools is arranged in an open-air site, Little Tiger is watching disguised as an old man, but he can't resist. He takes off his false beard, declares his name, and demands to join in the competition - beating up all competitors.


Kon Loong, a rickshaw boy, learns kung-fu from master Auyang Tin-Kin, for three years of practice. Kon Loong is recognized as the best among all the students. One day, when the master is out for a journey, another fighting association sends a challenge to the school, and Kon Loong accepts it. He goes with four other brothers, but they are badly defeated by their opponents, who hired the help of a Japanese karate fighter. When the master returns, he will have to save the school's honour, in a duel against the two other schools.


The Death Duel is a Taiwan Martial Arts movie


A swordplay flick that takes on a ghostly feeling later on the film.


The famed Ivy Ling Po (Temple Of The Red Lotus) stars as a mysterious swordswoman dedicated to keeping the five volume "Five Generations Fighting Methods" kung-fu manual out of evil-doers' hands. She joins Ling Yun, star of The Iron Buddha, who plays a hero known only as the Roving Knight to fight, train, then fight again -- facing such characters as The Six-Armed Giant and The 1000-Cut in this action-packed adventure.


The setting is the underground lair of Devil's Gate, home to the ruthless and extremely powerful King Hades Yen (O Yau Man). Yen instructs the '7 Monsters Of Poison' to find Lo Tien Hung who apparently has a secret Jade Pendant. This Jade Pendant bears markings as to the whereabouts of a manuscript which yields great powers to the person who manages to get hold of it. The 'Monsters 7' have 10 days to find Lo Tien Hung or face the wrath of Yen...


Taiwan wuxia directed by Joseph Kuo

When Master Leung tries to rob Wong I-Hsia of a precious cargo he must protect, Wong I-Hsia fights him off with the iron palm and makes his escape. Too old and weak to continue his mission, Wong I-Hsia entrusts the cargo to his eldest son Wan Fu, who wastes no time in proving his fighting skills as he slays 50 of Master Leung's men fighting off a forest ambush.


As Meng, master of Patience School prepares to announce his successor, a rival swordsman named Dare Devil kills him. Although their skills are no match, the school’s students vow to get revenge.


Cheung Ching Ching is superb, as usual, playing a blind girl who learns martial arts from an old master and who takes revenge on the Red Devil who murdered her entire family. Brilliant sword film as you'd expect from master auteur Joseph Kuo. —Wu Tang Collection

After the noble escort captain Han Wu Kwan (Chiang Nan) rescues the grandson of the famous escort security chief Hung Wan Kang, he pledges to escort the kid safely back home. On the journey they encounter many fighters and Han Wu Kwan loses his eyesight.


When you're the best fighter around, you'd better be prepared to prove it! No sooner was a new security escort for the Imperial Governor chosen, and then he was challenged to a duel and slain right before his family's eyes by a mysterious traveling swordsman known only as The Thunder Sword who disappears and is never to be heard from again.


A master swordsman is on a twenty year quest to revenge the death of his parents.


The time was 1948, the place was Nanking. The two students Chi Ping and Chang Chung Yao were staying in a room rented from the Han family. Yin Len, the elder daughter of the Han family, fell in love with art student Chi Ping; and soon they were engaged. Chi Ping left for Paris to study art and asked Chang Chung Yao to take good care of Yin Len during his absence. Few months later, just before Nanking was to fall into Communist hands, Chang Chung Yao took Yin Len to Taiwan and lost contact of Chi Ping...

A romance that was destined to be, becomes altered by a man's insecurity and a woman's pride. Will their love stand the test of time?