Jouko Puolanto

Wedding planner Joanna needs to find herself a fake boyfriend to cheer up her depressed father. As if on demand, an eccentric undertaker enters Joanna's life with her own motives for looking for a girlfriend. At the same time, Joanna receives some earth-shattering news and nothing can ever go back to the way it was.


There are enough love and surprises in Maria's relationships. And no wonder, because she has a different man for each day of the week. Maria meets Juho and falls in love, but sadly there is no eighth day in a week.

Mervi is a gay girl living in the hipster quarters of Helsinki. She has been together with Kata for a year, and now they are encouraged by the circumstances to come out from closet. When they do, Mervi realises that she is not the only one in her family with secrets – her parents have been living in an open-bisexual-swinger-relationship for 20 years. On the other hand Kata is pretty surprised that she might be living with a hetero girl that once was dating a neo-nazi. And the ex-boy friend cannot swallow that Mervi is now with a person both of wrong color, and sex. The real threat appears when Kata’s parents arrive from Berlin and the local skinhead chief finds out that a black muslim celebrity politician has arrived to town.

After getting released from prison, Eeva returns to her old home town with only shoulder bag, cellphone and the clothes she is wearing. She wants to see her grown up daughter, but the townspeople soon make it clear that she is not welcome.


Euthanizer tells the story of a mechanic who euthanises sick and old pets as a side job. Despite the grim work, he has a soft spot for the animals. Trouble stirs when the owner of a dog he was supposed to end realises that the canine is still alive. The only innocent party in the drama that ensues is the dog itself.


Dance On Thin Ice tells the story of Felix, a twelve-year-old boy who is left to spend Christmas alone while his parents travel to India. A reluctant Felix ends up as an ice cream seller at a deserted swimming stadium, where the surface of the pool has frozen solid. But the swimming stadium is not completely deserted after all. Felix meets a dark-haired refugee girl called Fakira, whose parents were killed in a bombing in Syria.A dreamlike story where two young strangers to each other, a boy and a refugee girl, meet under unusual circumstances. Together, they make the impossible possible.Dance On Thin Ice is a story about alienation and the latent power of being different. The main characters of the film are misfits. In their own way, there is something “wrong” with them, but at the same time, something unique. Together, they right a wrong. The film shows the world through the eyes of a child, on a child’s terms. The themes of the film are tolerance and overcoming oneself.


Raimo’s comfortable, middle-class bubble is burst when a Satan-worshipping sex cult moves in next door.


Police officer gets back to work after getting a wheelchair. Nothing is the same and even the gun must be given away.


The meaning of life is a piece of cake.


Pera wants to try something kinky in the bathroom, so he asks his mate to help him. However, Pera’s wife comes home a bit too soon…
