Jožef Ropoša

New slovenian TV show Sekirca v med

The two competing wine-grower families, Dolinar and Rozman hate each other. Ivan Dolinar is convinced that Stane Rozman has betrayed him and caused a death of his wife Maria. Until the real dark truth comes out, their children who fall in love with each other will have to overcome the family hatred.

A young soldier enters a conflict with his superiors and because he does not get the exit for the May Day holidays, he decides to escape. The escape of the weapon is a serious offense, and because there are no routes back to the barracks, the fate of the violence that leads to a bloody bribe begins to unfold. The story goes back to the time of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe.

A young girl finds scattered envelops in a field, then a postman's satchel, then a hanged man. Jump 20 years: the girl, now grown, lives with her aunt and has a job with the post office only because her dead uncle was a respected party leader. She's subbing at a small station when a robber strikes. He takes the loose cash; after he leaves, she finds lots more money in a metal box. She takes it. Suspicious police assign Ivan, who's from the council, to follow her. He does, trying to seduce her nightly during his surveillance. She sees the thief again by accident and makes contact.


Intolerance in front of a released prisoner triggers a wave of violence. The innocent survive.

A three-part omnibus drama that shows destinies of three grown men: first segment (Escape) is about a sculptor, the second segment (Shade) is about a loner, while the third segment (Ring) is about a movie star.

Oscar runs away from prison only five days before release. He droves off with his girlfriend to Split in a red car, so they could go to Italy and then to America. They meet photographer Jan, and thus their final destination seems every so closer. As police is on their trail, Oscar starts to suspect Jan...


In the wild times of the Second World War, Blanka marries political grandee Pavle, who is shortly afterwards sent to Goli Otok as a political prisoner. Blanka has enthusiasm for photography, becomes independent and opens a studio of photography with Laco. But soon she realizes that her business partner is an impostor. Pavle returns from prison, but their relationship, despite awareness of the political interference in their intimate sphere, imbues the bitter chill and misunderstanding. Blanka tries to drown her endless problems in alcohol and seduce her only male friend, but her last rescue, the thread of love, is being interrupted as well. Is every love of Blanka Kolak sentenced to death, is love possible at all, is worth living without it?


Omnibus consisting of three segments. The first story is about a fight between the boy's parents, after which he ends up in a correctional hall, and then in jail. The second story is about a mental patient who leaves the hospital to find his wife, a fashion model. The third story is about two factory employees who go for a few drinks after work, only to end up later at one of his mother's house where they all get drunk.


Comedy about a group of musicians who are sent to play to villagers and workers to raise morale during a 5 year plan. The trouble is they prefer to play jazz and boogie music to the traditional folk songs, and each time they try their jazz they are reprimanded by the local party secretary.
