József Juhász

In a rural scenery in the throes of difficult changes lives a humble but promising young farmer girl called Mari Pataki. Her father forbids her from seeing the man she loves. The father, above all preoccupied by work on the fields and prospective wealth, decides to give his daughter in marriage to an old but rich man with whom he does business. Land marries land, he says. This seems to be the unyielding rule of the Hungarian peasantry. But the young lover is ready to stand up to any challenge to keep Maris love.


Imre, secretary of the illegal communist party arrives in Budapest secretly in 1942, in order to start the newspaper of the party in the fight against war. Not even his own mother can see him.

In May 1919 in a small rural town beside Salgótarján the local high society wants to get the power back with the leadership of dr. Máriáss, exploiting the outside attack launched against the Republic of Councils.


It deals with the alleged Western sabotage of Hungarian oil production.


You can get anywhere in a tailcoat. Viktor Norton, a young man imprisoned by mistake, also knows this. In Viktor’s tailcoat, he can easily get to the Excelsior Hotel, where he will meet the newly wealthy Dupont couple and their daughter Marie.


János Háry, the old veteran is telling his stories in the pub without end.


After having spent 22 months in prison, Viktor Pálos returns to his homeland, where he is going to be involved in the robbery committed by his relatives.


dr. Benedek Gábor, a famous solicitor in Eger, is the defense counsel of a murderer, who killed his wife out of jealousy. Gábor lives in a happy marriage with Anna. One day, however, Szentgyörgyi Péter, a famous pianist, comes to Eger. He once was loved by Anna, who in those days was training to become an artist herself. Gábor has no knowledge of these events of the past. He, therefore, associates the now renewed relationship with the story of the murderer he is the legal representative of.


Alajos, a pharmacist, has just married Klári, a poor tutoresse. Klári finds a diamond ring among the wedding presents, complete with farewell letter to thank her for all those happy hours of love. The husband, a man who has already planned every little thing ten years in advance, is in no mood to accept the idea of a coincidence.


Marika is adopted by Orbán Sándor after his wife dies. However, when she reaches the age of 19, he discovers she is more attractive than any of the women he knows. There are a few complications before Marika realizes that her foster father, Orbán, will make a better husband than any of the young men that are courting her.


The landowner, János Karády, is knocked down and robbed on the highway. He comes to in the shabby clothes of one of the robbers. Thirteen pretty young girls take care of the young man thought to be a poor vagabond.


About a man's disappointment in love, and this provides the foundation for the upcoming trial of a much more significant love. The scene of the fatal meeting, the bar, which is a kind of world-model, and its environment: a fort under siege, from where it's almost impossible to escape...
