Juan Calvo

Garcia, a shy young musician who can not release any of his works, is in love with Lupe, a singer who makes a living working in a modest amusement park.


Two guys live without working quite well using thousands of tricks and fakes. But they soon change their attitudes when love arrives at their hearts.


A kid runs away from a children's home to find his mother.


In the village of Fuentecilla, there is a medicinal spa which was very popular in the past but that now has been forgotten by the public. In order to bring back the tourists, the "prominent men" of the village organize a fake miracle: the apparition of San Dimas, the local patron saint, which will take place every Thursday night. At first it works, but trouble begins when a stranger appears, claiming that he knows what's going on and making peculiar demands in exchange for his silence. Written by Pablo Montoya


César Neira, an almost forgotten actor, gets involved by chance with Teresa, a teacher from a small village in Cáceres who has won a radio contest. The prize is a trip to Madrid to experience just for a fortnight the life of the famous and wealthy people…


A professor at the University of Frankfurt is mistaken for a Russian soccer player on his arrival at Madrid airport. There, he is received as a sports figure and the teacher, unaware of the confusion, take it as an extraordinary compliment. However, problems arise when, after discovering the error, the professor has to pretend to be the player until he appears


Professor Hamilton, a naive Nuclear scientist who once thought bombs were good for humanity, realizes his mistake and runs away from his inventions. He hides in Calabuch, a beautiful seaside town where people still believe in humor and friendship.


Jacinto, a former bullfighter who lives miserably with his nephew Pepote, receives a letter reminding he, as agreed a few days before, he should go to a bullfight to be held that evening at Las Ventas. The letter infuriates Jacinto who thinks this is a joke, since he retired from the arena for years, has not signed any contract. When Jacinto is located around the square, picking up cigarette butts that pull the audience, make sure the letter was not a joke, because his name appears on the poster.


The famous singer Carlos Ojeda has come to Seville to hire some Spanish figure to accompany him on the show to be presented in Mexico. Negotiations with Dorita, The Cadiz, fail and Carlos is about to return to empty when discovered Reyes, selling beautiful flowers with a magnificent voice.


Emigre returns to Spain to visit family; reunites with long-lost illegitimate son and rescues his brother-in-law from a gold-digging gigolette.


Three short stories based on radio competitions, all linked by speaker Gabriel and his fiancee. Two inventors who want to patent a piston and need money, a thief who answers a phone call while robbing and a child who needs to go to Sweden for an operation are the protagonists of these stories around the radio.


Left on the doorstep of a monastery as an infant, Marcelino was raised by the monks. He was well-cared for but lonely and missed having a mother. One day he found a special friend in the forbidden attic, hanging on a cross. A friend that would repay Marcelino's kindness by granting him one heart-felt wish.


A modern matador is a victim of hate protégé. In addition, a beautiful French will bleed your life.


A freeloader goes through a case of mistaken identity after a man tries to blackmail a married woman and he's caught in the middle of everything.


A snake-charmer falls in love with a circus trapeze artist who trains her and has her debut in this discipline.


"Nosotros los rateros" is a Mexican film of the golden age of Mexican cinema that has as main actors Manolin (Manuel Palacios Sierra) and Shilinsky (Estanislao Shilinsky) and director Juan Bustillo Oro. A family of thieves, the adventure of one of them in a hotel and entanglements that happen there, and the trial of another brother.


The old nobleman Alonso Quijano, maddened by the reading of books by chivalry, decides to make himself a knight and leave his village in search of adventure accompanied by Sancho Panza, who becomes his faithful squire. After a series of unfortunate events, his friends are going to try to make him return home so that he can see reason.


Jane falls in love with a clown, but he dies after saving her from a fire in the circus and becomes a ghost.


Eugenio asks his best friend, Federico, a wealthy lawyer, to take care of his son Titín while he deals with a family problem related to Elvira, his wife; but Federico, a single man, knows nothing about babysitting, so he begs Clarita, his secretary, to help him… (Film partially lost. Only 65 minutes of footage remain of the original 91; but this circumstance does not prevent the understanding of the plot.)

Nora leaves the convent where she has been raised to marry a relative. Just arrived she has an accident resulting in total amnesia. Her identity mistaken a new life begins for her, where she will encounter love, adventure and even crime.


In 1860s Madrid, Fabián Conde is a dissolute young man who drives his dishonored identity into a life of seduction and dueling. When he eventually falls in love, changes for good and finds the truth about his family, his two opposite friends give him contrasted advice on what he should do. He chooses and time goes by. Then something unexpected happens that will put him on the brim of loosing everything he has fought for.


Fernando returns to his hometown after years studying in Brussels to meet with a strange suicide note written by his father ten years earlier. This leads him to discover the portrait of a woman supposedly murdered in the house and a mysterious music box. Chance leads him to the house of the eccentric family Briones and to Mariana, a young woman who is living image of the portrait and possessor of a box identical to that discovered by the young man.


A Spanish folk group goes to Paris hired by a French businessman, but he runs away, leaving them without resources. Pastora, beautiful Seville, reminds that she has a friend in Paris who is painter. Her companions and her ask him for help to return to Spain. The painter wants to help them but first he have to sell a paint to a wealthy Englishman to get resources. The Englishman goes to his place and fall in love with Pastora, and instead of buying the paint suggests to pay the return trip for all of them if Pastora stays with him in Paris.


The troubled story of the Churruca family, a noble lineage of brave seamen, descendants of Cosme Damián Churruca, the Spanish hero of the Battle of Trafalgar; from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). (In 1950, a new cut of the film was released with less ideological depth and ten minutes shorter.)


Dolores works as a washerwoman with her daughter Sole and they both live with the girl's stepfather and her godfather, a nice good-for-nothing guy. Although they all have a very different personality, they share the illusion of seeing Sole become a great artist.
