Juan Carlos Lo Sasso

A friendship is tested when two young men leave their German hometown for a freer life in majestic Barcelona, where fate and choices threaten their once unbreakable bond.

3 friends merge their paths on a cloudy day in Berlin. As they walk along the sunset each one will turn a page on their life. Some will be left behind, others will fly away but only one will stay keeping Berlin still possible for all. —Juan Carlos Lo Sasso

A naïve New Yorker retreats to his dead Grandfather's summer cottage, a datsche in Germany, but instead of peace he finds Adam, a refugee in hiding.


Tom is a lonely young man, during a burglar with his best friend: Rachid, he falls in love with Lars, a young history lecturer who lives in the apartment. Tom starts to observe Lars secretly, and pursue him without revealing his existence or feelings for him. At the same time, Tom is developing a second obsession to a motorcyclist , that he meets on and on. More and more Tom gets lost in a labyrinth of passions. As Lars discovers him, the persecutor becomes the persecuted for a moment, but then things turn again into another direction...


His teachers, coaches, childhood friends and Barça teammates, together with journalists, writers and prominent figures from the history of football, come together in a restaurant to analyze and pick apart Messi's personality both on and off the field, and to look back at some of the most significant moments in his life. Viewed from Álex de la Iglesia's unique perspective, Messi recreates the player's childhood and teenage years, from his very first steps, with a football always at his feet, through to the decision to leave Rosario for Barcelona, the separation from his family, and the role played in his career by individuals such as Ronaldinho, Rijkaard, Rexach and Guardiola.
