Juan Fernando Pérez Gavilán

Recently widowed, Benito faces the jealousy of his daughters when, reunited by an old ford car, he finds a new love and new meaning for his life.


Sandra and Deborah are two women trying to escape from a tragic recent event. They go for a vacation on a beach house but are then followed by an evil cult.


Five stories that tell the tale of winning the lottery in Mexico and how it changes lives.

A series of comedy skits performed by some of Mexico's more popular comedians and actors.

Four stories that tell the tales of lottery winner. Each story features a different cast of street vendors.


Know what this is about?


Heroic Mexican wrestler duo Octagon and Mascara Sagrado take on a bevvy of sexy female catburglars led by Lina Santos


A Colombian gangster buys modern weapons to re-sell them to guerrillas of various countries, under the patronage of the Mafia. Interpol is after Gallardo, the Mexican provider, with the help of two masked wrestlers, Octagon and Atlantis.


A criminal organization hires some ninjas to steal the formula for a new drug, described as cheaper and more powerful than cocaine. As it turns out, the industrialist who financed the research has taken elaborate steps to make sure that the new substance won´t fall into the wrong hands, and the ninjas find they have only succeeded in stealing half the formula. To please their disgruntled employers, the evil ninjas try to blackmail the industrialist into handing over the remaining half and it´s up to the Mexican Ninja and his pals to stop him.


An American's couple who live peaceful and quiet in their summer house in Cuernavaca, Mexico, see how their peace and security is broken when a band of delinquents break inside their home violently with the only purpose of extortion.


An international group is trying to destabilize Mexico by assassinating the President.


Unsympathetic portrait of a man who's too macho to display his feelings.


A woman uses her husband's money to open a beauty parlor/spa... so she'll have a place to meet with her lover.


Movie about the singer Rigo Tovar and his songs. The adventures and misadventures of a popular singer, his relationships, trips and unparalleled successes


A pharmaceutical salesman travels around the country and has sexual adventures in every place, but no woman really interests him. When returning from one of his travels, he is hit by a car and falls in love with the driver, but none of his tactics of conquest get results. Written by Anonymous


Working-class dude gets a gig as a waiter doing banquet service, and loses his moral compass through his contacts with decadent rich folk.


Agapito, leader of the revolutionary movement of his state, comes to a town, kills all the federales, and gets a girl who was promised to him for his heroic deeds. He gets cleaned up, she falls for him, they get married, and guess what? He can't consummate the marriage. Why? Because the song "El Quelite" is playing in the background. His mother would sing that to him when giving him a bath. So now, he can't ge it up every time he hears it.


A workaholic must outwit his multiplying clones after a magical tequila travels him back in time – again and again – in order to make things right with his family.