Juan José Camero

The drama tells the story of an Argentine elementary-school teacher sent by the government to a rural hamlet located in the northwestern province of Jujuy. It shows how he touches the lives of the villagers, especially the young and impressionable boy Verónico, whose mother died and father left to seek work when he was an infant. The film is based on a non-fiction book written by Fortunato Ramos, a rural teacher in northwest Argentina, that discusses his teaching experiences.


While growing up on the pampas, a young boy becomes fascinated with nature and the mysteries of the human soul.


Those interned in a psychiatric establishment are involved in a police issue.


Eugenia's parents die. She goes to live with Amalita, her close friend. Her grandmother Amalia Pradere a wealth landlady, takes the orphan under her protection. After a chain of events, disappearing her grandchild, Eugenia will take Amalita's place. She will inherit not only Amalia's possessions but also Ezequiel's love, Amalita's widower.


Nazareno Cruz is the seventh son of a couple living in a high mountain village. According to a myth, a seventh son will become a wolf on nights of the full moon. Everyone in the village is relieved when this doesn't happen. The boy grows up and falls in love with a beautiful girl, Griselda. When he's 20 years old, he is visited by the Devil, who offers him the wealth of the world if he will turn his back on his love for Griselda, and if he fails to do this, he will become a wolf.


Benjamin Ortalora is a young man who leaves Buenos Aires after murdering a rival. He goes to Montevideo where his cool boldness draws the attention of gang leader Azevedo Bandeira. When the old bandit becomes ill, Ortalora makes a determined play to take his place.


Amid chases, fights and shootings, three undercover agents proposed derail a band of gangsters and save a famous scientist who had been kidnapped.


A sexually-repressed girl of the Buenos Aires slums slowly goes mad after marrying.


A man has to come to terms with his wasted youth, estranged family and grim prospects for the future.
