Juan José Martínez Casado

Three nymphets struggle to have a beneficial youth: Ana is suicidal, Mercedes is attracted to her brother William, and Patricia desires to be sexually abused.


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, adapted once again.


Capulina chip and are transported back to prehistoric times with a time machine. There they live crazy adventures.


Young woman's parents don't supervise her activities closely enough; she ends up going to a beatnik nightclub and dancing the twist and getting raped.

A hacienda seem to be haunted by La Llondra, the crying woman.


Two children grow up together and when the girl gets married, the young man realizes that he has always been in love with her.

Three newly unmarried women room together, start a business, share the ups and downs of their love lives

Alma falls in love with Julio, a famous singer, but her parents oppose the idea thinking that it's just one more of her rich girl whims.

Two middle-aged no-goodniks are trying to marry two young ladies; two age-appropriate young men concoct a scheme to prevent it, which involves one of them masquerading as the young ladies' aunt.


1830s: An officer from the French army and a leader of the insurgency are both in love with Ms. Guadalupe.


Officer comes home from the Revolution to discover that he's been declared dead and that his wife has remarried and given his lands to another man.

With revolutionary Mexico as a backdrop, a successful local rancher returns triumphant from the war to the praise of townsfolk, and "El General" is ready to take a wife. However the senorita of choice already has fallen for a secret admirer, and a boyhood rival who is threatened by the General's popularity in turn plots against his life.


A tragicomic piece based on a novella by Manuel Ibo Alfaro.

16th-century swashbuckler; evil nobleman usurps another man's title and properties and forces his daughter to marry a political ally. But Cruz Diablo will have revenge!


Santa (Tovar) is a beautiful and very humble young girl living in Chimalistac, a small and quiet spot south of the 1930's Mexico City. After Santa is cheated by arrogant soldier Marcelino (Reed), she's rejected by her family and friends and expelled of Chimalistac. Santa finds shelter in a whorehouse and becomes a cinic and bitter woman, mistreated by bullfighter "Jarameno" (Martinez Casado) and silently loved by blind pianist Hipolito (Orellana).


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