Juan Peláez

Atrévete a Olvidarme is a short-lived Mexican telenovela. Running for only one month in 2001, the program starred Adriana Fonseca and Jorge Salinas.


A crooked CEO is kidnapped and nobody cares enough to pay his ransom.


Sandra and Deborah are two women trying to escape from a tragic recent event. They go for a vacation on a beach house but are then followed by an evil cult.


A wild police officer attempts to rescue a child from the hands of kidnappers.

A group of archeologists excavating Aztec ruins in Mexico City uncover a bizarre statue, which unleashes satanic powers and possesses the chief archaeologist. The demonized man goes on a rampage of bloody murders while being pursued by one of his female colleagues and a police officer. Horribly burned in an explosion, he still continues his ungodly crimes, including crucifying a woman upside down. A bishop sends for a mystic called “The Angel”, a character who dresses in medieval clothing and is armed with a demon-destroying sword. The possessed archeologist transforms into a club-wielding monster and challenges The Angel in a duel to the death.


Mario Almada returns as "el fiscal de hierro", in this entry his family is kidnapped by gang leader Ramona Pineda.


A trio of female cops are on the trail of a serial killer who maybe connected to a satanic cult.

The cards indicate a bloody death and everyone knows that tarot never lies.

Three part anthology with stories involving a Phantom of the Opera-style killer haunting a theater, four punks who pick the wrong house to rob and a man on the hunt for Bigfoot.


Many years ago, aliens released Keiko the killer whale on Earth. Since then he has spent most of his life in a water park and has taken the love from their caregivers and the public. Everything will change when the aliens come back for her.


When drug lord Franz Sanchez exacts his brutal vengeance on Bond's friend Felix Leiter, 007 resigns from the British Secret Service and begins a fierce vendetta against the master criminal. Bond won't be satisfied until Sanchez is defeated, and to accomplish this aim he allies himself with a beautiful pilot and Sanchez's sexy girlfriend.


Romero is a compelling and deeply moving look at the life of Archbishop Oscar Romero of El Salvador, who made the ultimate sacrifice in a passionate stand against social injustice and oppression in his county. This film chronicles the transformation of Romero from an apolitical, complacent priest to a committed leader of the Salvadoran people.


A man joins forces with a Vietnam veteran to take revenge on his father, the most powerful drug lord on the border, who he blames for his mother's fall from grace.

Heir to an enormous fortune deals with relatives who feel they were cheated out of their share and tries to work through a sexual kink with his analyst and in his relationships.


Horror anthology with three stories all taking place in the same apartment building. The first involves a pair of newlyweds who attempt to hide the corpse of a plumber after accidentally killing him. The second tale features two guys throwing a party who meet two beautiful women who aren't what they seem. Finally, an actor has a desire to drink human blood.


Based on the book by the same name, the film follows the exploits of Arturo "El Negro" Durazo, who was the head of the police department in Mexico City, we witness his crimes and his eccentric life, that will inevitably lead to his fall.


Those involved in the making of an amateur porn video end up getting slashed to death with a cane sword. It's up to the brave policewoman Eugenia aka The Scorpion (Maribel Guardia) to stop him.


Towards the end of the 1950s, a young homosexual faced life, society, a dominant mother, and a conservative home.


Family plans for a quiet weekend at the beach, but everything goes wrong.


Rafael Inclan plays the campy hero in the Mexican By Hook or Crook. Known as the "Super-Mexican", detective Inclan is in his own way as dangerous as France's Inspector Clouseau. A series of murders have occured in the uppermost circles of society. Inclan vows to solve the killings, or die trying (which is a strong possibility). There's a belly-laugh a minute in this silly confection, which since its 1985 release has popped up with regularity on the various Spanish-language TV cable services.


This is a story of revenge, as detective Shayne's own clients sabotage his actions, and leave him blind in one eye. The cases then become personal and Shayne vows to destroy the guilty.


The leading edge of working-class discontent in a Mexican village is a troop of bandits hiding out in the hills; when the bandit leader is killed, the whole town rises up.


Crime-y land-owner declares war on the family at the ranch next door for not having joined with him in his illegal enterprises.


A politically-themed stage play provokes a murder. Police detective walks the cast through a reenactment of their performance as a way of investigating the crime.


Escaping after a heist, bank-robbers run afoul of an ex bounty hunter with whom they have back story.


The story concerns a young woman named Elena who ascends from rags to riches when she inherits a substantial fortune; having no one else with whom she can share the monies, she invites her best friend, Clara, to move into her home and enjoy the wealth with her. All fares well until Elena falls in love with a male suitor - and thus threatens to jeopardize Clara's place in the household and her share of the spoils. Indignant, Clara vows to do everything in her power to prevent this new romance from blossoming.


A ship carrying Conquistadors is wrecked and the survivors are thrown ashore to struggle through the Yucatan jungle.


The rich entomologist René gets along with a group of young rebels. He is accepted for his money and with him they organize parties. He takes advantage of their ideas to seduce several young people, provoking the jealousy of their friends. One day he proposes a game in which each one must detach from the most valuable thing he has.


Working-class dude gets a gig as a waiter doing banquet service, and loses his moral compass through his contacts with decadent rich folk.


Priest suffers a head injury, develops amnesia, ends up in a hippie commune.


"Mod" culture in Mexico City.
