Juan Viñallonga

A young, honest cop investigates the arrival of international crime in Barcelona just before the Olympic Games.


A wealthy jeweler mistreats his wife and is unfaithful to her so kills him, sets is up to where his mistress looks like she did it and prepares to inherit a fortune. Then, she starts being harassed with phone calls, sounds, and the appearance of objects that had belonged to her husband. The sexy widow is being harassed - from the grave!


Adapted from the novel by Juan Marse, the film shows two distant worlds in the Spain of the 50's, the suburban and the bourgeois, which are related through two characters, Manolo Reyes, vulgar motorcycle thief who aspires to escape poverty and Teresa Serrat, university student of bourgeois extraction seduced by the revolutionary cause.


The consortium of the people approve a proposal from the Mayor; instruct Ramon, a ruined sculptor, an equestrian statue of Franco. Luis, one of the councilors, visit Ramon and proposes the commission, Ramon rejects for ideological grounds, but after thinking it accepts as there are no marble equestrian statues. When Ramon finally finished the statue, the whole consortium believes it is past time to inaugurate a statue of Franco. To satisfy Ramon approve the making of a new statue. This is dedicated to democracy.


In the middle of the first world war, Barcelona is the center of multiple operations related to war, although Spain is a neutral country.


In France in the near future, revolt and chaos erupt. A right-wing politician, Philippe Muphand, is set to take control when his lady friend Caroline walks out, announcing she will take up with the first fool she sees. The fool is Serge Laine, a professor and author of the prize-winning "Le voyage qui ne finit pas," headed to the train station for tickets to Barcelona where he and his wife will enjoy a second honeymoon and he will lecture at the university. Caroline seduces Serge, and he soon abandons wife, family, job, and honesty to embrace Caroline, the romanticism of Jack London, and murder.


Madame Olga is the owner of a luxurious brothel in London, England. One of the brothel's new clients, a young man, falls in love with her. He wishes to have more than sexual relationships with the woman.


1939: The remains of the Spanish Republican Army crossed the French border. Among the exiles are Lluís Companys, President of the Generalitat de Catalunya, and also Aguirre, President of the Basque Government. After the invasion of France by Nazi troops, Companys will be arrested by the Gestapo and handed over to the Francoist authorities. Led by the Count of Mayalde, he is transferred to Madrid and later to Barcelona. After a summary trial, Companys is condemned to death and shot.
