Jude Kuring

A young convict woman desperate for freedom rashly chooses a new master, but alone on his isolated farm her hopes for a new life are undermined by the grim truths she discovers.


When an aging actress, becomes ill her son Alex deals with the news in a very unexpected way. In order to cope with mother's sudden mortality, Alex imagines that he is living in TV dramas that his mother once appeared in


A young boy creates a world of puppet friends using pieces of rubbish found in the street.

Fran, the assistant to university professor Paddy, is about to turn 30. She is having an affair with a married minister's aide, Stephen. She returns home to the country town she grew up in and has a fling with an old flame, Alan. She also begins sleeping with Paddy.


Nine women convicts escape from a prison hell-hole and dare to create a savage world free of man.
