Judith Dornys

The Italian Vittorio Coppa works as a sleeper car commuter and commutes regularly between Munich and Rome. Because he believes that true love exists only in connection with marriage, he is secretly married twice.


The German innkeeper Susan, now leading an acting troupe, travels to Italy and uses feminine wiles to undo an assassination plot against Napoleon, and rescue a local count (a great romancer) from his own enemies.


The literal English translation of the German-titled film here is "The Hostess of the Lahn." Suzanne (Terry Torday) is the beautiful redhead who runs an inn in the town of Giessen. She is the subject of many inspirational love songs by the student population. The lyrics also reflect the Germans' resentment and hostility toward the French occupation by the army of Napoleon. Suzanne appears in various stages of undress in this slow-moving feature.


Mobsters conspire to loot another criminal's treasure secured in an enormous booby-trapped vault.


A private detective tries to find out how and why some convicts have mysteriously disappeared from the prison of Dartmoor.


After his parents are killed in a stagecoach holdup, a young man learns to be an expert gunman and with his dog Shorty, sets out to avenge their deaths.


The film focuses on life in a World War II German penal battalion camp somewhere in Russia. The convicts include a heroic doctor unjustly convicted of avoiding military service, an officer who retreated against orders, and common criminals. It shows their life in the camp, clearing mines, living in trenches on the front line.
