Judy Young

A medical school dropout loses his fiancée in a tragic lawnmower incident and decides to bring her back to life. Unfortunately, he was only able to save her head, so he goes to the red light district in the city and lures prostitutes into a hotel room so he can collect body parts to reassemble her.


Cut-n-paste pseudo-documentary about the history of censorship in cinema and the changing mores of the '60s, comprised mostly of footage from the films of Joseph Mawra (who also directed this under the pseudonym of "Carlo Scappine"). Likely the only way to catch footage from Mawra's lost MME. OLGA'S MASSAGE PARLOR.


Previously considered as lost, the movie was recently found on eBay. The restoration startet in March 2017.


The film is considered lost.


Via Something Weird: "Lovely Aphrodite, the goddess of love and narrator of this tale...is keeping an eye on things on earth from Mount Olympus while bumbling hero Theseus and his two muscle-bound buddies encounter danger and crack corny jokes on their way to King Minos’ palace. King Minos is married to the vulgar and voracious Queen Scylla. Minos discovers that his long-lost niece is the rightful ruler of Greece and...plans on having his servant Pandora use her charms to distract Theseus from his mission and lead him to the land of the Amazons where, hopefully, he’ll most certainly be killed. Meanwhile, on Mount Olympus, Zeus is in search of a “gullible schnook” to guard a wooden chest “full of trouble” and decides Theseus is the man for the job. Zeus tells Theseus to protect the box with his life, and the gods proceed to create mischief and mayhem for the unwary mortals."


In this third installment of the "Olga" series, our heroine adds jewel smuggling to her repertoire of dope pushing and white slavery. As the vicious Olga (Audrey Campbell) expands her criminal empire, she also encounters more resistance as a string of once-trusted partners turn traitor in an effort to steal the successful racket out from under her. The result is exactly what fans of the series expect, a barrage of torture scenes featuring soldering irons, floggings, spankings, and even an electric chair. As with its predecessors, Olga's House of Shame is a silent black and white film with narration to explain the action, but even with direct commentary it's difficult to keep track of the characters and Campbell (who is occasionally caught laughing out loud at the absurdity of it all) has all the menace of a kindergarten teacher, even when wielding a machete.


After discovering that her mother is involved in an adulterous affair, a pretty high school student seeks help from a neighbor. While their trusting bond grows into a deep relationship, a secret sex club for the area's pleasure-seeking women is started. Soon, Mom discovers that her daughter is a member!
