Julia Barnett

Two screenwriters create the perfect female character for their protagonist using the greatest secret in modern filmmaking.

A young college student reluctantly meets with her estranged father only to discover the truth about the events of the wild summer of '75 that drove them apart.

Joyce Chandler (Trish Goff), a young divorced woman and recovering alcoholic, moves into a Manhattan apartment that seems a bit too secluded to be true. It is: Upstairs lives Charlotte Bancroft (Ally Sheedy), a woman with a wall of obliviousness who can turn even an 'apology' into a guilt trip, Charlotte persists in making Joyce's nighttime hours a living hell. As the torture continues, Joyce starts to lose her grip on her job, her health and her sanity. It's a heck of a price to pay for having your own place.


A helicopter mom has an embarrassing meltdown when she drops her daughter off for the first day of middle-school.