Julia Bremermann

Jasper Teerlinck, an eccentric professor, is an adviser to the police.


A classy mansion on the outskirts of a big city. The terrace door is open. Anne wonders why. She can't remember having opened the door and her daughter Lisa is still out. When she returns home, Anne tells her the news that her father canceled the weekend trip. As always, it comes to an argument between mother and daughter. The stubborn teenager locks herself in the bathroom. She finds the words "Daddy hates you!" written on the bathroom mirror. Lisa knows exactly who did this. Her drunk mother wants to drive a wedge between Lisa and her father. But suddenly Anne has a horrible realization - The two of them aren't the only ones in the house.


The young Berlin anesthesiologist Nora is facing exciting times: her partner Eric makes her a marriage proposal and she has the opportunity to give her first important speech at an international congress in St. Petersburg. Nora goes to Russia, where she gets a frosty reception. The Russian pediatrician Andrej, who has been assigned to her as a personal companion, is not very enthusiastic about this task. So he puts Nora in a taxi soon. But then Nora is attacked and Andrej plagues his guilty conscience. Soon, the people are coming closer to the fight.


A new case for the cult detectives! Not by coincidence, a mysterious videotape falls into the hands of Jupiter Jones (CHANCELLOR MILLER), Pete Crenshaw (NICK PRICE) and Bob Andrews (CAMERON MONAGHAN) during Jupiter's birthday party in Rocky Beach. On it is a recording of Jupiter's long dead parents. In their message they want to communicate to their son the key to an especially tricky riddle.


A german lawyer limited series with a Christoph Waltz appearance in the pilot episode.


The relationship between journalist Nina and her mother Eva has always been tense. One day Nina is supposed to be interviewing Richard Gere in Budapest. Her friend Flora and her mother Eva accompany her there. Flora succeeds in defusing the tensions between mother and daughter. Then Eva is suddenly admitted to the hospital. Nina's visit to her mother's sickbed is moving for both women.


While his wife Linda jets through the world as a pilot, the architect Jan Weber takes care of the son as a full-time houseman. When Jan unexpectedly slips into an affair with the equally successful and attractive businesswoman Sophie Berger, who also makes a comeback in his professional life, Jan faces a difficult decision: Will he continue to stay a houseman or return to work as a "real man"?


Yes. It's a Chuck Berry song. You picked it up in your search engine covering Berry's obit.


Space Island One is a British/German science fiction television series that ran for 26 episodes beginning in 1998. A co-production between the UK's Sky One channel and the German Vox channel, it starred Judy Loe as Kathryn McTiernan, the commander of the multinational crew of the space station Unity. Described as “a mix of Moonbase 3 and Jupiter Moon, but more turgid than either, other sources describe it as "The best science fiction show you've never heard of… The show unflinchingly looks at the implications of for-profit science… and provides the most realistic look ever at life in space, including bone-mass loss. A few episodes are dull, but the show is often surprisingly weird and fun… It also features some of the most complex, believable characters of any television show". Apart from the show's creator, Andrew MacLear, other script-writers for the show included well known TV writer P. J. Hammond, acclaimed science fiction novelist Stephen Baxter and young adult writer Andrew Lane.
