Julia Marchese

Something is afoot at ARROW HQ. A mysterious presence and the streaming service’s very own A.I. are determined to turn what should be a big night in ARROW history - our first live stream - into a chilling bloodbath that puts the ARROW team and an array of special guests on the chopping block. Watching Buddy Cooper’s mid-80s stalk and slash showpiece with you are Jill Gevargizian (‘The Stylist’), Chad Crawford Kinkle (‘Jug Face’, ‘Dementer’), Adam Stovall (‘A Ghost Waits’), Powell Robinson & Patrick Young (‘Threshold’), Chelsea Stardust (‘Satanic Panic’), Noel David Taylor (‘Man Under Table’), Brian Lonano (‘Gwilliam’, ‘Crow Hand!!!’) and even the final girls from the ‘Horror Movie Survival Guide’ podcast: Julia Marchese and Teri Gamble.

A documentary exploring the importance of revival cinema and 35mm exhibition - seen through the lens of the patrons of the New Beverly Cinema - a unique and independent revival cinema in Los Angeles.


It seemed like a great idea when all-around nice guy Max and his beautiful girlfriend, Evelyn moved in together. But when Evelyn turns out to be a controlling, manipulative nightmare, Max knows it’s time to call it quits. There’s just one problem: he’s terrified of breaking up with her. Fate steps in when Evelyn is the victim of a fatal, freak accident, leaving Max single and ready to mingle. Just as Max is thinking about moving on with what could be his dream girl, Olivia – Evelyn has returned from the grave and is determined to get her boyfriend back...even if that means transforming him into one of the undead.


An obsessive young woman begins to believe that she's being haunted by the ghost of her recently missing best friend.


Mother Fitch (Julie Strain) and her girls have an insatiable taste for men; their flesh that is. The Delta Delta Pi sorority girls are not only the most popular and wealthy on campus, but also the most deadly. Now, as they prepare for their 20th anniversary homecoming, a meddlesome student has enlisted the help of DDP charter member Rhonda Cooper (Brinke). Together they attempt to end the sorority's reign of culinary terror that grips the California campus.


When aspiring rappers Tymez Skwair, Fuzzy Down, and Likrish cross paths with stripper Stesha, they follow her to a mysterious strip club where the sexy ladies are really vampires in disguise. Things go from bad to worse when the vampires' leader Kulada (Ty Badger) finds out that Tymez holds the key to the bloodsuckers' world domination in this urban horror film that plays like "Vampire Strippers in the Hood.
