Julia Solomonoff

Nico is a famous actor in Argentina, but in New York, nobody takes notice. He needs to juggle bartending, babysitting and odd jobs to keep himself afloat. But when old friends from Buenos Aires come to visit, he needs to juggle the image of his old life with the reality of the struggling actor in New York City.


Navetierra, new world in the end of the world

A group of friends, who resisted the military dictatorship, and their children will face the conflict between the daily life of today and the past when one of them is dying.


Young Jorgelina feels estranged from her boy-crazy older sister, who has entered adolescence and doesn't want to hang around with little kids anymore. Finding refuge in their Boyita camper-van, Jorgelina travels with her father to the countryside, where her lifelong playmate Mario is undergoing some unexpected changes of his own.


Argentinian sisters Elena and Natalia, who were separated, meet again in Texas in 1984.


A Polish man and a beggar child whose lives could not be further apart reach a brief but intimate understanding of each other during the siesta hour.


An all-American girl from the Midwest arrives in Manhattan with the intention of visiting her aunt. Along the way she is distracted by a foreign stranger who steals things from several lush Manhattan stores for her. They then develop a budding romance.


Three people and a baby set off on separate journeys, along the same road; their disparate dreams and stories intertwine amidst the breathtaking deserted Patagonic route.


Movie composed of nine short films: "Rubén el Murciélago"; "El Artista Peripatético"; "El Condenado"; "El Tajo"; "Encuentros Lejanos"; "Latidos"; "Maese Trotamundos"; "Un Día Con Angela" y "Vértigos". "Historias Breves 0", came out in 1993 and still did not bear the "Historias Breves" name. It would later become the prestigious annual short film competition for directors.