Julian Bailey

After a series of Hollywood flops, famed director Harris Chappell (Jeffrey Tambor) returns to New York to relaunch his Broadway career. But Chappell's triumphant comeback begins to spiral out of control into a wild night of comic misadventure after meeting struggling actor Spencer (Jesse Plemons) and his old flame Didi (Melinda McGraw).


An out-of-this-world comedy cast stars in this spaced-out futuristic family comedy. Welcome to Betaville, the world’s most exclusive summer camp, where the world’s leaders send their children. They are the sons and daughters of presidents and kings, with supervisors to care for them and an army to protect them. Meanwhile, in outer space, Planet Z is threatened by the evil forces of Planet 38. Planet Z’s president XM (Tim Kazurinsky) launches a secret plan to trick Planet 38 into attacking Earth instead. A peace-loving emissary from Planet Z recruits the children of Betaville to warn the President (John Astin) about XM’s secret plan.
