Julian Rachlin

A humorous ode to the world of classical music and some of its star musicians.


In the year 2001 the acclaimed violin vituoso Julian Rachlin founded a festival of chamber music in Dubrovnik. He introduced a new and successful concept of gathering some of the most famous world musicians and letting them play the music that they personally enjoy. In 2008 the austrian filmmaker Georg Riha joined the festival to cinematically accompany the star violinist: Masterly, as usual, and in the highest aesthetics as well as in technical quality, he succeeded with this film composition to tape the magical atmosphere of the city at the sea and the relaxed artistic work of Julian Rachlin and his friends. See the Rector’s Palace, rehearsals, the sea, conversations, sun and wind, concerts and a lot of fun.


An ancient fortress, a historic centre of true baroque, the venue of a legendary stage festival - this is the Salzburg familiar to everyone. But Georg Riha's documentary presents Mozart's city from perspectives never seen before.Unshackled by space and time the viewer enters upon a unique filmic foray into one of the world's most popular cultural centres, discovering the still unknown and hidden beauties of this fascinating city off the beaten tourist tracks.

The life of Napoleon Bonaparte.
