Julián Soler

Juana Doña, a communist woman; Carmen Polo, dictator Franco's wife; and Eva Duarte, President Perón's wife, the first lady of Argentina, the idolized Evita, crisscross their lives during Evita's official visit to Spain, an autarchic country isolated from the world, in June 1947. Behind the pomp of reception there is a pharaonic preparation, hidden businesses, battles in the Caudillo's court and the possibility of saving a human life.


Three-fer anthology of black-humor sex-n-death anecdotes.


Three world-class sharpshooters team up and raise hell together. Then, three girlfriends.


Monte law begins as a love story in September in the Mexican Revolution years. To seal their oath to love a boy and girl names recorded on a stalk. Years pass and go their separate ways, but one day the man returns to the same place where the tree meets girl turned woman and resume their love, but soon has to leave again because he has to return to the revolution


Adaptation of The Fall Of The House Of Usher.


Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde, adapted once again.


Businessman hires a stand-in to pass as the father of his mistress' children.


Aging widow interferes in the lives of her adult children.


Three tales of horror, isolation and insanity set in Mexico.


Elena's sterile and her younger cousin Raquel gets pregnant before marriage.They scream at each other a lot.


Young woman falls in love with a cub reporter who's investigating the illegal activities of her father. Then there's secret marriages and secret murders and secret babies and... family melodrama in full flower.


Orphan girl has a secret benefactor. When she's old enough to leave the orphanage and enter the real world, she's determined to track him down. Also: having a first boyfriend, yippee!

A Nazi scientist using the lost city of Atlantis as his home base threatens to destroy civilization with a nuclear bomb. The Nazi scientist wants the third Reich to rule again and if his demands are not meet he will follow through on his threat of nuclear annihilation. With very little time to spare Santo is enlisted to find the nuclear bomb, disarm it and end the Nazi scientist’s diabolical plan


Missing-presumed-dead wife reappears after husband has remarried.

Five artsy young women in a group house have landlord troubles.

Remake of an archetypal 1940s melodrama about parents sacrificing their own well-being for the convenience of ungrateful adult children.


Relates the life of one of Puerto Rico's most loved and revered composer and songwriter, Rafael Hernández.


Youth-com romance between a North American tourist and a young Mexican doctor.


Seemingly at random, a hobo dude attaches himself to an upper-middle-class family and starts influencing them for the better in their day-to-day activities


The story of The Last Hours of Jesus Christ.


The women of a brothel adopt a foundling baby.


Five young women hold a weekend-long bachelorette party for their engaged girlfriend.


Four guys share an apartment while attending art-school.


Post-adolescent romance; the dude and the chick both tried to impress each other by pretending to come from rich families, and eventually they'll both have to fess up. Also other complications.


Backstage comedy; singer-dancer and her songwriter husband pretend to have an open relationship, because it makes them look smart and modern.


Itinerant cowboy learns that his horse can talk. Horse ends up giving him singing-lessons... and...


A client arrives to a jewelry store in Bogotá, he choose a gem and pays it no matter the cost of it. He asks the manager to keep the gem in the store during the weekend. Meanwhile, a band of professional thieves plans the theft to the store without imagining that the fate of death surrounds them, and all beacuse of a red light.


Daniel, the leader of a criminal youth gang, views new guy Victor first as a threat, then as possible addition to his gang. When Victor refuses, but sets his eyes on Daniel's Sister Nancy, Daniel orders her to get close to Victor so she can persuade him to join the gang. Daniel does not expect that instead the relationship with Victor makes Nancy longing for a life without crime. A juvenile-delinquent-crime-musical!


In a New York hospital, a man is cured of heroin addiction after a grueling three-month treatment. Although no longer an addict, he has complete amnesia: the only clues to his past are an expensive ring he was wearing when admitted, and a book of matches from a Puerto Rican nightclub. He pawns the ring and buys clandestine passage on a boat to Puerto Rico in search of his identity.

White-collar criminals conspire to prevent a shmuck from collecting an inheritance.


Feature on the adventures that develop the most perfect of false priest.


Monster film and mad doctor spoof.


Mexican western 1961


Before the Spanish Conquest, an Aztec princess does the Romeo and Juliet thing with the Prince of a neighboring tribe. Sixty years later, a colonized subject has visions of the Virgin Mary.


The film tells the story of two twins separated in childhood who reunite when they are older. One of them has grown between outlaws and has become one of them, a murderous bandit who frightens the region. The other has grown, without knowing it, in exactly the ranch of the man who murdered his father and has become the loving foreman of the farmer's daughter, now deceased.


"Problem drama" examining the pros and cons of euthanasia.


Bachelor friend of a married couple gets caught up in the drama generated by the husband's philandering.


While seeking to protect themselves from the aggressions of "Pantaleon" and other men, a landowner marries a Mexican American newcomer. But to his surprise, the man seems to be as brave as her and try to humiliate him constantly until he decides to give out your real identity.


Slice-of-life melodrama: backstage at the wrestling arena.


"Confirmed bachelor" quits playing the field and gets married.


A couple are forced to stay in a scary castle, and the castle is filled with monsters!


Mexican feature film


After her father has been murdered, the beautiful but allegedly insane Isabella lives in the house of her two nephews. A scenarist in need of inspiration walks on the beach and slowly unravels a series of murders.


Career criminal hooks up with famous singer because she looks like a long-term meal ticket.

A guy and his girlfriend pretend to come from Mars.


The English-language title of this Mexican musical was The Third Word. Singer Pedro Infante stars as a pampered young man who is sheltered by his doting aunts. Deciding that their darling boy needs an education, the ladies hire pretty schoolteacher Marga Lopez. Upon discovering that her pupil is 28 years old, Marga is momentarily nonplused, but then settles into her duties. Inevitably, romance blossoms between Pedro and Marga, much to the aunts' dismay.


Anthology-movie with episodes set in Cuba, Mexico and Colombia.


A woman accused of murder refuses to defend herself in any way, in order to avoid tarnishing the family name and the reputation of her long-lost son.

Two underachieving brothers take responsibility for an abandoned baby.


Empire-building philanthropist has no time to indulge his wife's romantic fantasies.


Young couple looks for a way to wiggle out of the marriage their parents have arranged for them.


Father and two sons raise hell at the county fair.


Family melodrama with lots of complications: illegitimate children, amnesia, blended families, maternal sacrifices...


Hard-partying college student wants his parents to think he's a serious and respectable young man, so Uncle Felipe pays all his bills and takes the blame for his misdeeds and wildnesses.

Dr. Pablo, something womanizer, going to marry with Mini and cheats África, singer and his lover, telling her to wait while she is on tour in Cuba. With her, he poses as a friend industrial, Ricardo and his intention is not to see her again. While Africa is out he marries Mini, which proves to be terribly jealous. Complications ensue when Africa returns to Mexico and start searching for the fake Richard. By chance a friend of Mini will be in a beauty salon and this ensures she can take to "Ricardo" because is "a friend of her husband". A typical sitcom with a blistering pace.


Out-of-work actor and his burglar pal get jobs at an agency that pledges to do things the client doesn't want to deal with. Meanwhile, their boss is being stalked by seven Italian brothers who want revenge for something that happened to their great great grandfather.


A USA girl decides to vacation in Mexico and experience first hand all the stereotypical scenes she's seen in movies. When she gets there, everything isn't all charros and bandidos, though -- surprise, surprise!


Young women in the steno-pool have to balance work, romance, and touchy-feely bosses.


Sara Garcia plays the mother of a Mexican family from the early twentieth century, devoted and submissive. Supports her husband impeding wedding of his daughter's suitor political ideas, so she participates in singleness of that which will become the main drama of the story. It is also witnessed the leaving home by their children, who return only after his death.


A dizzy rich woman buys their horse, and three rubes get involved in the problems and intrigues brewing in her household.


The Galician Candida has a bakery in front of the butcher Robustito, who constantly berates although children of both Aurora and Rodolfo are in love. In the neighborhood where they live, the neighbors prepared a joke to the galician girl. She gets angry Robustito hard time believing him guilty of what happened.


Free-spirited young woman schemes different ways to trying to nudge her spinsterish older sister into falling in love and getting married.


Convicted on flimsy evidence of complicity in a jewel robbery, there's nothing he can do afterward to put his life in order. Downward spiral.


Young woman breaks her engagement to be married when an opportunity for stardom comes her way.


Gender-reversal comedy about husband and wife trading places.


A widow remarries... and then her missing-presumed-dead first husband reappears.

Concentration Camp survivor tries to start over with a new identity.


Eight shipwrecked men do the Robinson Crusoe thing on an uninhabited island... and then they're joined by an aviatrix whose plane conks out in their airspace.

Magicians transfers two peoples' souls (or whatever you want to call them) into each other's bodies.

The strange behavior of a woman leads her loved one to consult with a psychiatrist.

Satan plays a trick on two roues, telling them five things that are predestined to happen to them, but leaving out some crucial details. Then he sits back and laughs as they struggle against their preordained situations.


Spanish refugee could only get across the border using fake documents that belonged to her brother and now she's stuck with the male identity...


A European doctor, in self-imposed exile in some place like Borneo, obsesses crazily over a ruling-class white woman.


Young couple weather a marital crisis while older people who have already given up on life interfere from the sidelines.


A woman hardened by her past now runs a ranch she acquired through manipulation and bribery.


The three sons of a Mexican family emigrated to USA end up fighting in WWII.

Two pen-pals decide to get married, but the groom cooks up a scheme to test his fiancee's moral fibr before they tie the knt.

Every single student at Uni flips over the young woman that lives in the building across the street from the Commons. She's a professor's daughter... Hijinks ensue.


Rom-com: collecting on a big inheritance "forces" a family to play games with their daughter's marital status.


Woman faces the vicissitudes of life with her three adult children well in the background. But when the chips are down...


Alberto is born in wartime, where his father dies a hero. He grows up effeminate. His mother sends him to military college where Fernando bullies him, but they become friends. When war comes, he has to face his fears.

Based on the Spanish play "El caudal de los hijos" by José López Pinillos. Francisca, the daughter of a provincial gentleman in Valencia, falls in love with Miguel, a young sculptor. When Miguel leaves for Paris to complete his studies, the lovers promise to wait for each other. During Miguel's absence, however, the Duke of Montesino calls on Francisca's father and asks for her hand in marriage. Her father, pressed for money because of gambling debts, agrees to the match.

Mama thinks one of her sons is going into the priesthood... but he wants to join the army instead. Naughty uncle from Paris help him get out from under Mom's thumb.


Professor Jiménez believes the human retina retains the image of the last thing a person sees before death. Only his student Eduardo stands by him in the face of widespread mockery. Together they will try and prove the professors theory but fate has a unpleasant way of helping them do this.


Fernando de Fuentes was among the most famous and versatile writer-directors of Mexican cinema’s Golden Age, etching his style on genres as varied as the Western and the musical. In his immigrant melodrama The Dressel Family, De Fuentes addresses the “problem” of the ferreteros: successful bourgeois German families who established their own self-sufficient community within Mexico City, but in doing so—it was widely felt—preserved their haughty colonialist attitudes toward the native population. The head of the Dressel household is a proud and stubborn German matriarch who, disdainful of her son’s mixed marriage, sets out to destroy the reputation of his young wife, a Mexican radio singer (played by the beautiful and talented Consuelo Frank).


16th-century swashbuckler; evil nobleman usurps another man's title and properties and forces his daughter to marry a political ally. But Cruz Diablo will have revenge!


Mexican feature film