Julie Kalceff

A baby is kidnapped from hospital by a desperate grandmother. Her flight sets off a chain of events that bring together complete strangers over the course of one day.

It's Hannah Bradford's first year of high school. As a transgender girl, Hannah not only has to navigate the challenges that come with starting a new school, but find the courage to live as her most authentic self.


First Day, tells a story about the fears associated with the transition between primary school and high school - but in Hannah's case, the stakes are even higher: this year, she will be attending school for the first time as a girl.


"Starting From Now" is a lesbian web series that explores the lives of four inner-Sydney women as they struggle to work out who they are, find a place where they belong, and maybe even find someone to love along the way. After building an international viral following across the first three seasons and reaching 20 million views in less than two years on YouTube, seasons 4 and 5 were acquired for broadcast television and screened on SBS2 in March, 2016.
