Julienne De Bruyn

Pauline is a 'little girl of 66 years old'. She is mentally retarded and been cared after by her sister Martha. When Martha dies, her two younger sisters, Paulette and Cecile have to make a decision on the best place for Pauline to be looked after. Neither of them is ready to take care of her. Paulette has a shop to look after and Cecile has her Albert. But according to Martha's last will, her fortune will only be divided in three equal parts if one of the sisters looks after Pauline. If they decide to take her to an institution, Pauline will be the only heir.


RIP was about the funeral company Vingerhoets. This business is losing its paterfamilias and boss. The widow Victorine Vingerhoets and her nephew, Willie Haezevoets, who live at home, have to take over the business and keep it going. Willie is patronized as a son and doesn't feel like going through life as an undertaker because he is desperately looking for a wife. The input of friend of the house Raymond van Derre (also known as Raymondke) often ensured that things never went the way they should.
