Julio Monje

Two small-town guys get more adventure than they want in the big city in this action comedy from Mexico. Montes (Sergio Goyri) is a none-too-bright yokel from the country who heads into the big city with his best friend Juan (Charly Valentino) to buy a pickup truck. Montes wants to get his vehicle and head on home, but Juan persuades him to take in some of the sights of the big city first. It turns out, however, that Montes had the right idea for a change; while visiting a night spot, they accidentally spy a gang of jewel thieves who are forced to kill someone, and when the crooks give chase, Montes and Juan must spend the night running for their lives.

Pamplona (Spain), 1975: Dr. Navarro, a famous doctor in the city, feels strongly attracted to Juana, his nurse, who is also in love with the doctor. Navarro, however, moved by his strong religious convictions (in fact, he is a numerary member of Opus Dei) remains faithful to his wife and tries by all means to prevent that their relations with Juana break through professional boundaries. For the purpose of that, he orders the nurse will sent to another hospital. This will push Juana to take the initiative and provoke the doctor during San Fermines.
