Jun Toba

Kamen Rider Duke: Ryoma Sengoku continues his research of the Sengoku Drivers along with Takatora Kureshima. Takatora thinks that the lives of humanity was the number one priority, however Ryoma disliked his way of thinking increasing the production with cost as the main priority than efficiency. Kamen Rider Knuckle: It's been one year since Kaito disappeared, and peace had returned to Zawame City once more. Zack departed for New York, and left leadership of Team Baron to Peko. However upon hearing that Shura, a former member of Team Baron that Kaito once exiled, had formed his own team, Neo Baron, Zack returns to Zawame City to set things right.

Minoru has spent most of his life being protected by his spunky female best friend Aki. Fed up, he decides to take up boxing. However, just as he manages to get stronger than Aki she becomes obsessed with boxing herself.


Follows the final days of the shogunate and Shinsengumi's Vice-Comander Hijikata Toshizo along with his fellow anti-imperialist group.

A Japanese Anthology

Dvorak's Symphony No. 9, "From the New World" wafts through a hospice recreation room. Sitting at the grand piano is a young girl, Chiori, with a prodigious ability to play any piece of music after one hearing. Keisuke Kisaragi whose career was abruptly cut short when he jumped in front of a bullet fired by a crazed gunman. The nerves in one hand were severed but he saved the life of Chiori. The tragic incident takes the lives of Chiori's parents, however, and Keisuke becomes her guardian. Not long after their return to Japan, Keisuke discovers Chiori's musical gift.


Five young men participate in an experiment drug test, which is known as a short-term, high-paying part-time job.

Boku no Ikiru Michi is a 2003 Japanese television drama series.

Hiromi works in a posh French restaurant. One day, he meets an ordinary-looking old man who has a discerning palate. He is no ordinary cook, and can pinpoint the exact problems with Hiromi's dishes. His name is Tatematsu Ippei, a legendary chef renowned for his work in France once upon a time. After a food poisoning mishap, his fiance Sophie had left him and he cut himself off from the culinary world. Hiromi is engrossed with Ippei's cuisine and asks for lessons. Meanwhile, Sophie, now the wife of the director of a top tableware manufacturer, comes to Japan. Ippei cooks a banquet for her using Hiromi's restaurant as a front. Sophie notices that the food is made by Ippei, her former lover. The two meet and enjoy a short-lived reunion, but go on to live their own separate lives.

After the 1995 Kobe earthquake, a writer remembers travelling with his family to bury his brother after World War II.
