June Marlowe

Angela Webb believes her house is haunted. Psychics Alexander Stewart and Bernadette Fieldstone are contacted to try to uncover the secrets hidden within her home. What they experience is more than a mere haunting. They come to understand that reality is far more horrifying than fiction. What makes this ghost story unique is that it is based on a true story. In 2001 the two psychics investigated an old western New Jersey farmhouse. So powerful were the images they captured on film, a British television production company met with Angela Webb to do a television special at her house! The story IS factual; the conclusion is shocking.


Romance starts in Rio between a Mexican tenor being wooed for a Buenos Aires production, and an Argentine gal who has won a soap contest and who he thinks is rich.


A neighborhood hairdresser, owner of the Doré room, suddenly becomes a boxing champion and his life changes dramatically. He abandons his name Nicephorus Miston and adopts Tom Mix. His life is now against the ropes.


A single mother who refuses work to support the son she had with the aristocrat who had seduced her, and who also intends to marry a millionaire, is helped by a singer, a director of orchestra and an American songwriter, who get shelter in the pension where they live
