Junko Uozumi

Japanese "kayo" film based on the song by Tsuzuko Sugawara.

1961 Japanese film about the Shinsengumi.

Live-action adaptation of Ko Kojima's manga "Sennin buraku".

Freelance reporter “Scoop” Machida is hot on the trail of a prostitution ring called the Black Line, when he is framed for the murder of a young woman. Forced to clear his own name, the handsome journalist sinks deeper into the Black Line’s rotten swamp of drugs, prostitution, and murder and finds unexpected help in Maya, a steamy female gambler familiar with the neon-lit streets, shadowy alleyways, and seedy nightclubs he must navigate. The closest film in the Line series to classic American film noir, Ishii’s Black Line is a pulpy assortment of crime film conventions including the starkly expressionistic black and white cinematography by Jûgyô Yoshida, a jazzy music score by Michiaki Watanabe, and a sleazy screenplay by Ishii and Ichirô Miyagawa.


Japanese comedy film.

Shintoho crime film directed by Kyotaro Namiki.

Rumi (Yoko Mihara) and Emi (Masayo Banri) are sisters who dance nightly at the Blue Moon cabaret, which happens be the headquarters of a drug ring. Offstage, Rumi captivates the gang boss, Iwahara (Shuntaro Emi); while Emi attracts the portly club manager, Yajima (Saburo Sawai). Meanwhile their older brother Shinichi (Ryo Kuromaru), a seaman, is unwittingly assisting Iwahara with his drug running. When Shinichi’s ship is sea-jacked by another drug gang, an outraged Iwahara suspects him of treachery and has him beaten and confined in a dungeon-like basement. Rumi and Emi try to free him, but a gang hitman discovers them - and their attempt ends in failure. Now under suspicion themselves, the girls try to escape, but luck goes against them and they are taken to an island where Iwahara and his crew plan to ambush the rival gang.


Shintoho crime film.

Yuri is looking forward to marrying her fiancé Minoru. However, a few days before the wedding she falls victim to his brother Takehiko, and against her will, she becomes Takehiko's wife. The day after the wedding, Yuri begins her silent revenge by not talking to her husband. She retains her love for Minoru and never gives herself to Takehiko's embrace again. She also contributes large sums of money from Takehiko's fortune to charity.

Kanjuro Arashi's 300th film.

1959 Shintoho adaptation of Kyoka Izumi's novel "A Woman's Pedigree".

1958 jidaigeki directed by Masaki Mori for Shintoho.

A sensual love-story between two lesbian nuns.

It's Japanese history come to life in this true tale of upheaval in the Date clan. A serious incident that threatened the very existence of the Date clan in the late 17th Century is told in a "no holds barred" rendition of the Date Disturbance when Harada Kai, the clan's Chamberlain attempts to take power from the lord himself. Kanjuro Arashi, one of Japan's earliest movie stars gives a noteworthy performance as the traitorous clan official, who is not afraid to draw his sword when confronted. The subject of a Kabuki by Chikamatsu, this is a movie not to be missed!


Japanese film released to commemorate the 7th anniversary of Shintoho's founding.