Junta Yamaguchi

Nishina, Maya, Shiro, and Aoi are four good friends in their second year of high school with good looks but disappointing personalities. The four who decided that they will never fall in love, formed their own club, known as the "Muda-bu" (Useless Club), which focuses on researching silly themes and uploading them on social media. One day, they decided to do an experiment from a manga that says, "If you run with a piece of bread in your mouth and bump into someone, you will fall in love". While trying to conduct the experiment, they accidentally bumped into someone while having a piece of bread in the mouth.

Yosuke works as a copywriter for an advertising agency. His wife Aiko informs him that she is pregnant. Due to a case, Yosuke asks for an unusually long 6 month paternity leave. Nobody at his workplace has taken a 6 month paternity leave before. A few months later, Yosuke's daughter is born.

Kato, the owner of Cafe Phalam in front of Kyoto's Nijo Station, goes back to his apartment above the cafe after finishing up work for the day. When he is about to play his guitar, Kato himself suddenly appears on his TV screen and begins speaking. "I'm the future me. Two minutes in the future." The TV in Kato's room and the TV in the cafe below are somehow connected with a time difference of two minutes. Confused, Kato goes to the TV in the cafe as told by the two-minutes-into-the-future version of himself, and begins talking to himself in the past. The cafe staff and regular customers enjoy the phenomenon. Discovering the existence of the "Time TV," they face the monitors toward each other eager to learn about what lies in the distant future.

A woman's anxious inner monologue on a first date.

A small girl explores a house. It's creepy.