Jurgen Hellberg

A young girl from London moves to Africa with her parents where she befriends a lion cub.


The Fouchés, an Afrikaans family, arrive at the ATKV Buffelspoort resort for the holidays, only to find that their regular caravan spot has been taken over by the Khumalos. Much hilarity ensues as the two families engage in madcap tit-for-tat exchanges and shenanigans. Meanwhile the owner of the site is hoping to gain an extra star on his rating, with inspections due shortly. The last thing he needs is the chaos of two families fighting


The story of musical prodigy Phillip Schuman, who had the weight of the real world threatening to shadow the light of his genius.


Len van Jaarsveld used to be on the top of his game. As one of the country’s leading music producers he had it all: the stars, the hits, the connections and the. But it all came crashing down: his wife left him, his bands abandoned him, the creditors moved in and he found himself on the street with nothing. As he’s about to hit rock bottom Len is introduced to a rising new star Robbie de Wee. A shy young man with an amazing natural talent, this youngster has success written all over him. Len sees this kid as a ticket back into the music industry and he’s determined to make him a star. He takes Robbie on, organizing tours, publicity, music videos and helps Robbie climb the ladder to stardom while rediscovering his own formidable business talents. But when a young girl is found dead in the singer’s hotel room, Len goes into overdrive to protect his star from the media and the authorities.


A cop tries to stop a scientist's experiments to turn students into cyborg-mercenaries. Contains violence and strong language.


A Russian KGB agent is sent to Africa to kill an anti-Communist black revolutionary. However, he has a change of heart when he sees how the Russians and their Cuban allies are killing and repressing the locals, so he switches sides and helps the rebels.


A Comedy involving the Tax-Man

Military-Comedy. Sequel to "Boetie gaan border toe". Boetie (Translated into English as 'Buddy' or "Brother") wants to win his girlfriend Liza back, who just dumped him. With the help of some money, he engineers that she is assigned as reporter to the planned manoeuvres, where he would love to impress her. However, things turn out different as Buddy and his comrades are assigned to do the manual labour during the manoeuvres, and the arrogant Captain humiliating them turns out to be Liza's new boyfriend. But when a bunch of criminal madmen disturb the manoeuvre and take a hostage, it is up to Buddy and his comrades to rescue the hostage, their honour - and the girl's love.


South African beauty and former Miss World, Anneline Kriel stars in this action comedy about Van der Merwe, a struggling private eye. The detective’s bad luck seems set to change when drug lord Jack Barnard hires him to find Barnard’s missing girlfriend, Angel Labuschagne.