Just Philippot

To save her farm from bankruptcy, a single mother begins a business of breeding edible grasshoppers. Soon she develops a strange, obsessive relationship with them.

A disturbing cloud has appeared from the west. It moves slowly towards the centre of the country, prompting the population to take to the roads. As it advances relentlessly, panic increases. It is a cloud of acid.


Four short stories between sci-fi and horror.


My big brother went away to soon, without a word. Actually, he never could speak, nor could he walk. I never knew what he could see or hear. Or if he really loved me. So before our uncertainties and regrets settle forever, we, his two little brothers, decided to finish the film we had started with him during the last year of his life, hoping to find a word or a look that would prove it to us, once and for all.

Lizon has just attended her friend Marie's birthday. The friends around the birthday cake, the candles to be blown, the wish to be made amazed her. For her ninth birthday, Lizon wants to have the same thing. A birthday with a cake, candles and her friends, at her home: in the car.


Mathias takes his friends to shoot a zombie movie in the family countryside house. But people from there do not see the shooting in a very good eye and Denis, a friend from Mathias 's childhood , will become increasingly sticky.


Feature-length development of Just Philippot's acclaimed short, "Acide".