Justin A. Martell

Detective Amelia Van Helsing is on the desperate hunt for the killer responsible for a string of grisly murders targeting young women. Matters only worsen when all evidence leads to the seemingly untouchable Count Dracula. And when Van Helsing’s girlfriend vanishes, she is forced to question the very existence of monsters in a final showdown with the enigmatic count.

A vegan-goth high school student falls in love with her new English teacher and develops a problematic taste for human flesh.

Mr. Bricks: A Heavy Metal Murder Musical introduces tattooed muscleman Tim Dax as Mr. Bricks, an ex-con left for dead in an empty New York City warehouse. Rocked by headaches caused by the bullet lodged in his brain, he pieces together memories — the barrel of a gun…his girl’s scream…and eventually, the face of the dirty cop (Vito Trigo, Dark Windows) who pulled the trigger! All he wants is to find his missing girl Scarlet (Nicola Fiore, Mr. Cannibal Holocaust, Game Over), and vows to kill anyone that gets in his way…but what if Scarlet doesn’t want to be found?


A group of homeless misfits must fight for survival when they discover a plot to exterminate every homeless person in the city. A remake of the 1987 cult classic.
