Kajsa Halldén

The Svensson family goes on a ski-vacation during the winter holiday. Sune, the family flirt girl-charmer, is yet again pulled into a difficult relationship and his father Rudolf is pushed into difficulty parent challenges while the little brother Håkan is up to no good. The big sister being ashamed of her family and the mother Karin tries to glue the family together and enjoy their vacation.


Sune is back! Together with his little brother Håkan Bråkan, big sister Anna, mother Karin and dad Rudolf, Sune embarks on a summer holiday trip to Greece. As every summer before, the family plans to spend their vacation in Myggträsk. Then the most unexpected happens, Rudolf books a charter trip to Greece. The family is overjoyed but the questions about the trip are many. Once in Greece the catastrophes pile up. Sune looses his girl charming powers, Håkan Bråkan really does'nt like Julle in the kids group, Karin becomes more and more annoyed with Rudolf. Meantime, Rudolf discovers that the trip is all inclusive and the possibilities that comes with that.
