Kana Tsugihara

After losing her child at birth, the dark horror of the grudge begins growing within her.


A teenage girl transfers to a new high school. She and a boy in the class join the same school club and during one of the activities she confides in him that she was previously a male. Later admitting that the sex change was a lie, she agrees to date him as a form of apology. On their first date, however, he finds himself handcuffed by her class-mate.


Yuki (acted by Asami Kai), a senior high school student, is the leader of FIGHTING EXPRESS. Fujioka, who used to be a mercenary, is now a member of FIGHTING EXPRESS. One day a woman called Rei (acted by Kana Tsugihara) shows up to tell them she wants to join them. Rei is assigned the first mission after she has completed the hard training to join a member of FIGHTING EXPRESS with Fujioka. In Rei's first mission, there is a big conspiracy to threaten the continued existence of all humankind! Will Rei and Fujioka save the world?

A horror anthology focusing on various groups of people who encounter haunted photographs.
