Kannaporn Puangtong

A teenager Joy, work as a "Maid" and being haunted by the previous maid spirit, to discover the secret behind her death.


A teenager Joy, work as a domestic maid and being haunted by the previous maid spirit, to discover the secret behind her death.


Everyone wants to be a millionaire, the question is how? There are drug lords, wealthy exporters, corrupt politicians and transport companies. Who will make it to the top first? But watch out for the ghost as it lurks just around the corner.

The Vichawayt were a wealthy family. They have a big house and are owners of a big corporation, a construction company but once their parents died via a vehicle accident the three remaining children were left to face this important twist of faith in their lives. Asit, the older brother of the family and his wife, Lalita took over the family’s construction business. Orncha, the second sister took care of everything in the household. Arnus, the youngest sister studied in England but because of the changes in her financial state Nus has to find a benefactor to finance her education – she received aid from Pa, an old man named Chart from Thailand. Chart felt a familiar connection with Nus who reminded him of his daughter whom life was cut short by a car accident. She too was named Nus. Subsequently, the Vichawayt’s contruction company will be hired by a young millionaire magnate named Krao Supagan who offered the company a contract to build a grand hotel costing several hundreds millions bahts. Arnus came back to Thailand with her best friend, Gonwik and met Krao who went to pick Wik up at the airport for the first time. Because Krao and Wik have feeling for one another it was not surprising that Krao and Nus were to meet each other often at Wik’s house. (Krao is actually Wik’s distance relative whom she is secretly in love with. She called him Uncle Krao.) Nus saw Krao as an enigma, a strange person but she missed him when he’s not around. Nus’s feeling for Chaithong, her boyfriend changed for when he offered her marriage Nus refused and declared she’s not ready yet. Then Chart fell sick – it was revealed to Nus that her Pa is actually Krao’s uncle. Arnus accepted to be Chart’s caretaker which went according to Krao’s plan. Krao then continued on with his scheme by going after Orncha and Lalita, every woman of the Vichawayt will be under his wrath. The situation got worst for the Vichawayt when debt collectors came after their family home, if they didn’t pay up their house will get seize. Krao helped the family by giving them 20 million baht to borrow but because the money was his the house became his property. Then Asit got into an accident giving Krao the opportunity to get close to his wife. Krao had an affair with Lalita and the two were seem by Chaithong who brought the news to Arnus. Arnus hated Krao and was disappointed by the conduct of the two. As for Orncha, Krao brought her stuffs and flirted heavily with her. He told her to break up with Pharop, her lover. Orn believed him and broke up with her boyfriend. Once Arnus found out about the break up she told Krao to stop his involvements with her sister and sister-in-law. Krao then offered her marriage as a solution which she agreed because she felt sorry for her brother and wanted to help her sister who used to say she hated Krao but has now fallen in love with him. Both Lalita and Orncha were sadden and upset by this news. Orn quietly married Pharop as a result of her grief over Krao. As for Wik, she was very hurt by her best friend’s wedding to Krao that she went to live in America with her family. Krao gave Nus a one year contract in the marriage before he can divorce her, a promise he made to his uncle who knew why he wanted to marry her. On their wedding night Krao proceeded with his plan and raped Nus to be his wife. He also told her his reason for doing so – he revealed to her that the Vichawayt family deserved all of this because his mom was raped by her dad. Nus’s dad raped a woman despite knowing that she already has a son and husband and that husband was none other than his old friend, the man that helped him to richness with his business. His mother was hurt – being overwhelmed with shame she committed suicide. Lalita still have feeling for Krao, after she divorced her husband she tried to seduce Krao but he got angry with her. He found her repulsive. He scolded her harshly and asked her if she still remember Chewit or not, the guy who got his heart broken by her and committed suicide as a result of that heartache. Chewit was Krao’s younger brother, everything Krao did to Lalita was out of revenge not love. Krao told Lalita that she’s nothing to him but a cheap woman. Furious and hurt by his words Lalita took out a gun to shoot Krao but Nus took the bullet for him instead landing her in a critical condition in the hospital. Times passed by, Orn gave birth to her first child with Pharop, Asit went to America to gain work experience, Lalita was sentenced to jail time for her crime, and Anus made a complete recovery from being shot. Krao told Arnus about his feeling for her, the truth was that he love the angel named Arnus.


Taechyd is a police officer who was ordered to go into hiding by his superior after his case with a drug dealer fell apart when the evidence against the criminal disappeared. Techit goes and lives at a resort run by Sritrang, his childhood friend. They both wanted to become cops ever since they were young. Both of them made it, but Sritrung had to quit after both her parents died in an accident and she ends up having to take care of the corn farm and resort. Eventually, Taechyd meets Siangwaan (Min) a ghost who doesn't remember anything and knows nothing. I guess he calls her Siangwaan because of the sound of her voice, sieng waan means "a cheerful voice." Taechyd must figure out why Siangwaan is haunting Sritrung's resort and why he is the only one that can communicate with her. On the other hand we have Paul, whom Sritrung and Taechyd believe to be the right hand man of the bad drug dealer. He has a history with Sritrung. He was her elder in college and they dated for awhile before he had to leave Sritrung. They must work out their feelings for each other while trying to figure out the mystery of Siangwaan.

It sounds like the rehash version of William Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew” where the main girl must marry first before her younger sister can. It’s a romantic comedy. The same concept goes for Noon Woranuch and Vee Veeraphap’s upcoming lakorn “Sentai…Salai Soht (A deadline….to end being single)” for Ch7. Noon is playing a woman by the name of “Fah”, she has a younger sister who wants to get marry, but the main rule in their family is that Fah (being the eldest sister) must marry first before her younger sister can. Fah also has a pestering mother who badly wants her to get marry. Her mother even resorts to trickrey in order to do so, she lies to Fah that she dying and begged Fah to find a husband within 2 months. For the sake of her ‘ailing’ mother, Fah uses her talent as the head of the creative department in her company to find a husband. You can guess that Vee is playing the guy that Noon must snatch up to marry.