Kåre Hedebrant

Set in a parallel universe, Real Humans imagines a world where robots have become so human that they're barely distinguishable from real humans and follows the resulting emotional effects on two families as well as the trials of a group of robots who have attained free will and want their freedom from human ownership.


Swedish Lucas moves from Stockholm to a small Norwegian town, and immediately falls in love with Susanne, the goal keeper of the local girls' soccer team. He becomes axquanted with the overweight, sex-fixated son of the coach. With him as a sparring partner, Lukas hatches a plan for winning Susanne's heart. But Susanne has a boyfriend, and Lucas soon comes to realize that the road to love may be paved with lies and animosity. Cupid's Balls is packed with humour, romantic summer nights and fervent conflicts both off an on the soccer field.


Set in 1982 in the suburb of Blackeberg, Stockholm, twelve-year-old Oskar is a lonely outsider, bullied at school by his classmates; at home, Oskar dreams of revenge against a trio of bullies. He befriends his twelve-year-old, next-door neighbor Eli, who only appears at night in the snow-covered playground outside their building.
