Kari Diesen

Follows the entire day of Mariken and Per Egil's wedding.


"Death in the Streets" - In a small society, close to our, though not quite, where people live hedonistic lives without emotions., two small groups of deviants fight against the society.


Egon Olsen is the leader of the Olsen Gang. While he was in the slammer, he planned how he would steal the fantastic golden figure Keizeroppzatsen.


This is the famous norwegian anti-drug movie which is considered to be a turkey today. There are more than one thing you can point your finger at in this movie but let's start with the actors who are pretty wooden through the whole movie. That critic goes particularly to those who are playing the leading roles. The other element is the anti-drug message in the movie. The message are "if you start with pot you'll go to hell on a heroin overdose the next day". This is what makes the movie so unrealistic and naive. Nobody believe this kind of propaganda any longer. An another strange thing about this movie are all the rather daring nude scenes. This is pretty unusual for a movie made in the 60's, even the late 60's, but I guess that the director put it there to attract more teenagers. However, the movie as a whole is watchable in a way and not totally without interest, but it's perhaps more like a curiosity though.


Father and mother Andersen and their four children live in a closed down farmside storehouse in the outskirts of Oslo. They enjoy life here, but the many neibours surrounding them are less enthusiastic about the family's lack of respect towards the supposed social order and decency they live by.


Foaming sea from the Royal Norwegian Navy, with a crew on duty onwards to Tromsø. Onboard speedy warships with splash from the sea, song, music and girls in every harbor. Welcome to the boys in the navy!


Directed and written by Arne Skouen, «Pappa tar gull» (also known as "Daddy's Success") is a 1964 Comedy film . Sølvi Wang and Henki Kolstad are starring, alongside Carsten Winger, Jon Lennart Mjøen, Synne Skouen and Willie Hoel.


Per has won the 50 kilometer in Holmenkollen, but which village is he from, Alvdal or Tynset?


In suburbia Solbråten has some residents received bildilla. The otherwise wayward husbands forget their obligations for both work and home. There is also a great contest in having more cars in their recovery than neighboring upswing.


A group of very different men are summoned for their refresher training at Haglemoen military camp. One more strange than the other, we get to meet jovial salesman Goggen Rask, car mechanic Bottolph Johansen, nicknamed daydreamer, and ship-owner Rieber Larsen Jr. They form an unruly faction which Major Kampstrup struggles to maintain structured and prepared, not to mention keeping them inside the camp premises before they pretend sick to see the nurses Bitten and Florence. The men do their best to get through their rigourous training, with great confusion and comical situations.


A slice of life in 'Solbråten' where citizens are concerned with everyday many chores. In particular, men busy. They struggle with a resident's association, volunteers and home protection so they hardly have time to eat before they sleep dinner. They thrown in must go into work do not life easier.


The little tooth trolls Karius and Baktus tries to persuade Jens not to brush his teeth, and their picking wholes in his teeth can go on as planned. If the mother's plea to Jens is winning, the happy days of white bread and syrup is over.no


Siv Blom is a young impulsive girl with a special ability to come up in extraordinary situations. She also sleepwalks and one day strolling she sleepwalks unsuspecting into the bedroom to the sublime painter 'Picasso'. The art painter comes to admire her naivete, but doesn't have enough time for her. After that Siv stumbles across a new man, a junior manager in the firm Høyland & Høyland. Høyland jr. falls for Miss Blom, but definitely not his mother. Therefore Siv is sent on business to Stockholm and thus she meets man no. 3, the womanizer Victor Wahlin. Who to marry now that Siv has acquired three very eager suitors whom all wants Siv's consent. The stage is set for many intrigues. Who wins?


Two police officers lie dead. The swede Ekstrøm and the youngster Gustav flees the scene of the crime. Based on a real double murder in 1926, this movie remained almost unseen for 57 years. When the film was set to premiere in 1950 one of the murderers, having served a full sentence, went to court to have the film stopped.


Private investigators Gløgg and Rask have been hired to trace a butcher (sausage-maker) who has disappeared. This leads the two into a number of adventures.
